
Jul 09, 2004 15:04

Things were so bad here. The earthquake had decimated nearly everything. People were panicing and fleeing which meant there were riots. I managed to get banged up pretty badly trying to find a phone and a way home. But apparently the airports were closed. Through the rubble, she managed to find one phone in tact.

Emma: *a slurred voice answers*um.... he...hellooooooooooo

Genesis: I blink. What the. "Emma?"

Emma: *pauses a moment* huh?... um.. I mena... yeah........

Genesis: "Emma, what's wrong? It's me.. Genesis.. I don't know how long I have to talk.. are you okay?"

Emma: WHAT? Gensis!... im.... no way... but... but *starts crying *sound of a breaking glass*

Genesis: Good lord. Something is terribly wrong. "What is it Emma? Talk to me.. please.. what happened? What broke?"

Emma: *sighs* I just ... um... *gigles a moment, then cries again and stops* it was just a glass. um... I have been... kinda drinking

Genesis: Oh. OH. Damn. "Why are you drinking Emma? Did something happen?" I move out of the way of some people rampaging down the street, hiding in a nearby hole.

Emma: *sighs* yeah.. you were dead!... *mumbles* lalong with Roger ... and ahses* *grumlbes soem more as she is pickign up glas*

Genesis: "I'm.. I'm not dead Emma.. please believe me.. I mean I should be.. I'm kind of .. hurt but I'm fine.. Roger and Ashes are dead? Are you sure?" I haven't seen them in days or.. who knows how long. "Emma.. you should stop drinking."

Emma: *sighs* yes.. yes I should.. and Roger... he had a heartattack........ You hadn't heard. and Ashes she died while in Turkey with Amy *her voice sounds dark and annoyed*

Genesis: "With Amy? Christ.. I'm sorry Emma.. it's been so hectic here. Everythings just.. falling apart." I sigh deeply into the phone. "I want to come home Emma.. so bad.. I'm scared."

Emma: Then come home! *practically shouts* I dont' want you there either.

Genesis: "I don't know if I can. I don't want Cain angry at me." I don't even know what's worse. "We were almost done too.. it was almost time to come home when all this.. stuff happened."

Emma: *grumbles some more* Ow!... um.... well ... do you really think you shoudl be there now? I highly doubt Cain woudl be upset , GEn, there was a huge
Earthquake! you could have died!

Genesis: "Yeah I know.. I think.. I think it might've been our fault. Maybe you're right. Maybe we should just give in and come back when things are .... calmed down. Everything around here is crazy."

Emma: Gen... get out of there! You can always go back if needs be this is ridiculous. *sounidng a bit more sober the angrier she gets*

Genesis: "Yeah.. yeah you're right. Okay.. I'm.. coming.. can you tell Cain? Or .. something? I'm going to try and get out of here.. I don't know how though.. the airport is closed I think.."

Emma: Well then have Cain find a Way for you to get here, I am sure he is resourceful. *sighs* sorry for beign snappy. I will see what I can do to get you back ok?

Genesis: "It's alright.. I understand.. I'll see what I can do. Thanks Emma.. and tell.. tell everyone I'm okay.. I mean.. uh.. how is... Rupert?" I even blush talking about it over the phone.

Emma: *smiles a moment then gorws somber* the place is quiet around here. Things are just.... not right, with Roger gone and all. As for Rupert.. Ya know I havne't seen him much. I will let him know though that you are alive and well.

Genesis: "Thanks Emma.. I'll be home in no time I hope. If.. something happens.. I'll try and let you know. Shit I gotta go.. Bye Emma." I hang up the phone, sighing to myself. I needed to get the heck out of there.

She hung up the phone just before the rioters stormed the building. She ran and headed towards the airport. There was one airplane left in the hangar and wasn't going anywhere. Or so they said.

But after several hundred dollar bills waved under his face, money that was everything she had in the whole world, we had started to head home, back to England.
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