(no subject)

May 29, 2004 16:00

Genesis: *Entering the school, I look around for Emma but they don't know where she is. Guess I'll have to look around myself. I try her room but she's not there. Well let me check the library. I finally find it and head inside.*

Giles: *exits his office with a pile of blue books, finally graded, and setting them on the library counter with a gentle thud*

Genesis: *Looks around but it seems relatively quiet in here, except for the guy behind the counter.* Um excuse me... you wouldn't have happened to see Emma would you? I mean Miss.. Pierce..

Giles: *looking up then, catching the unfamiliar voice* Oh hello. Um, she was in the Religious Studies office earlier. Did you have any luck there?

Genesis: *frowns slightly.* No I was just in there.. dammit.. I mean um.. *blushes slightly.* Sorry I keep forgetting this is a school.. guess I'll have to look around some more then.

Giles: *chuckles* It's quite all right. I've thrown around worse recently. Grading tests and such. *extends a hand* Rupert Giles. Resident librarian.

Genesis: *Oh so this is Rupert. Wow. I put my hand in his and give it a firm shake.* I can imgine... Genesis Torres.. I'm just a.. well a friend. Er.. well I .. fuck.. I mean I don't do the school thing.

Giles: *continues holding the hand, perhaps a little longer than socially acceptable* Ah. The famous Genesis. Emma was just telling me about you. *leans in and whispers* And I don't do the 'school thing' well either.

Genesis: Famous? She was? Oh dear.. Don't believe a word she said.. or.. well maybe.. it depends on what she's told you. *laughs slightly.* I'm more of a dig in the dirt and travel around alot type of gal myself.

Giles: That's what she said, field researcher. Before coming back here, I was in the field as well. Sunnydale.

Genesis: So I've heard... you're pretty famous around these parts yourself you know. I'm afraid I haven't been anywhere within civilization for the past few months. Though at least I have a tan.. *smiles slightly.* Though I would've much prefered running water.

Giles: I'm sure you have some terrific stories. Sadly mine all involve a Hellmouth. *finally lets go of her hand, but not breaking eye contact*

Genesis: I do have a couple.. though I guess they're really only exciting to research types. But I'm sure the Hellmouth is fascinating... or was rather... that one I mean. *is definitely in no hurry to leave.*

Giles: The odd thing is, it seemed only to flare up every May. It's a little disconcerting being here, knowing that it's finally closed. And expecting the other shoe to drop, as it were. And as one who enjoys research, I'm sure you'd find me an excellent listener.

Genesis: I can imagine.. I'm sure I'd be a little nervous too. Things of that nature.. with such force.. to think that it's finally closed.. and shut down.. well anyways... I was actually this time out looking for one of the Gates.. Do you know anything about them?

Giles: The gates? I... *his eyes move away then, unsure of how to answer the question* ... I'm not kept much on Council activities I'm afraid.

Genesis: Ah well I'm sure it would just bore you.. it's nothing new.. mystical blah blah blah.. I'm just the finder.. I don't do things with them. *shrugs* I'm not even sure how longer I'm here until I have to go back out and find the next one.

Giles: I don't think you could bore me, Genesis. And I've encountered more than my share of mystical convergences over in America. Perhaps we could have a drink sometime and swap stories...?

Giles: Before they send you out in the field again?

Genesis: *Emma was right. He's very charming.* I'd like that Mr Giles.. *tucks strand of hair behind her ear and smiles.* I'm sure we would have lots of things to talk about. Maybe not even work.... imagine that.

Giles: A pleasant thought indeed. And please. Call me Rupert.

Genesis: Alright Rupert.. as long as you call me Genesis.. or Gen if you'd prefer.. most people do. Um.. would you.. like my phone number? Or perhaps I could just contact you through Emma.. whichever.

Giles: I'd like that. Your number I mean. I'm in a bit of a transitory state at the moment. Staying at the Hilton near Trafalgar. But I'm hoping to put down more solid roots soon.

Genesis: Alright.. I only live in an apartment that's only used half the time, so I suppose I know what you mean. *reaches over and grabs a pen, writing down my number and name.* Here.. I don't even have a phone in the apartment.. so.. that's my cellphone.

Giles: Ah, technology. For once I'm grateful for its advancements. *grins and takes the paper*

Genesis: When you've been in a place for months on end where you can't even take a shower, you'd be surprised at how much you're greatful. *grins back.* I'm not really doing anything until they ship me out... so whenever you're free. I suppose I should go find Emma though.. she's expecting me.

Giles: *nods* She might be in the break room, that would be my recommendation. And I'll make it my mission to remind you of the comforts of home...

Genesis: I'd like that Rupert.. very much. It was lovely meeting you. I'll try the break room.

Giles: *takes her hand again* Same here.

Genesis: *shakes his hand* Then I'll see you around *leaves out the door, smiling.*
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