Aug 08, 2010 08:50
Why do I do this to myself? Honestly, I have no idea. I must be a masochist.
I bought the third book in the Sookie Stackhouse novels. I guess I didn't hate the last one enough or something, and I needed more to piss me off. To be honest, I hate owning one or two novels of a series and not the rest. I don't know what it is. I think I'm going to put them in the donate box. I am not buying the fourth book, period.
They. Are. Terrible.
I'm only on chapter four and I already want to drop kick Sookie.
There are things that generally annoy me about her, but there are a few things that I just can't get past. For example: Bill leaves her. He doesn't break up with her in any terms. She's taking it on Eric's word - Eric, by the way, who wants to get in her pants and she knows that - that Bill has left her completely and is shagging some other woman. Granted, it's probably true. But all Bill has said is he's leaving for a few days and if he doesn't come back, check his computer. Now, I don't know about you, but considering he is a vampire and he does vampire business, I would think this would just come with the territory. Also, I would think she had been dating Bill long enough to trust him in some things?
But not just that, I want to tell her, "I told you so." I mean, they had this ginormous fight at the end of the second book and solved it by having copious amounts of rough sex at Bill's whim, not her's. I mean, to be honest, I think she's better off without Bill. Bill's kind of a dick. I mean, Eric is a dick, but at least he's straight forward about it.
At the beginning of chapter four, Sookie is doing laundry and shit when Alcide shows up (by the way, the first time I typed that, I typed 'Alice'. Go figure.) She let's this strange, giant guy come into her house without any introductions. I don't care if Eric arranged it and she trusts Eric, what kind of dumbass let's some stranger into her house without first getting to, oh, I don't know, know his name?
Then she asks if he wants coffee, like a good hostess. And he says, 'Eggs? And sausage?" Like, 'Woman! Fry me up some breakfast!' So she cooks him eggs and sausage and okay, I can look past that. Whatever. But while she's doing it, her inner monologue is going a mile a minute. First it's about how any woman worth her salt knows how to cook for her man. That while she is cooking, it is likely that many other couples are waking up and the woman is cooking breakfast for her man. And how this is so ~tra la la~ normal.
Well, fuck you, Sookie, maybe I don't want to cook breakfast for my husband. Maybe I want him to cook me breakfast. That does not make me less of a woman.
And then she goes on to admire Alcide's big manly arms and his big manly beard and his big manly truck and how Alcide, you are a real man (Nevermind that he's actually a werewolf.) Um, excuse me, Sookie, but just because a man has muscles and a big truck and a beard does not a real man make. A scrawny guy with glasses and no facial hair who drives a Prius is a real man too, thank you very much. Sure, I like 'em a little muscled and 'manly', but I'm not going to undermine other men who are not muscled and 'manly'. They are still real men. Real men are defined by their character, not what kind of car they drive.
I haven't even finished reading the fourth chapter because it pissed me off. I have never once hated on a book so much as I hate on these books. Twilight was bad, yes. I would like to burn those books in a fire, but whatever, I didn't hate them. But this? This is a terrible series. I will say nothing about Charlaine Harris (if these are actually her views, I would like to punch her in the face.) I mean no disrespect to her person, but her novels are misogynistic shit.
As an addition, I stopped watching the latest True Blood episode halfway through because it was just too much gore and retardedness. Seriously, I enjoy me some horror and adventure and drama, but it was just too much. I guess I finally reached the end of the line with the show and the books. True Blood is a terrible show. There are so many better ones out there. If you really want vampires, the Vampire Diaries is actually pretty good compared to this crap. Elena is a sensible young girl, who when she finds out her boyfriend is a vampire, rejects him (they later get together, but whatever that's beside the point.) Because he is dangerous. And it's like, yes! Vampires are dangerous, don't forget it, honey (but she gets to know them and it's not so bad.) Plus, Ian Somerhalder.
As well, I will never on my life recommend either one. I've watched bad shows before, but nothing compared to this crap. It sucks you in, I will admit. After all, I own the first and second season and I've downloaded all of the recent season three episodes. I think I'm pretty educated in saying this show is crap. None of the characters change. In three seasons, not one of them has even remotely grown. They are still the same characters they were in the pilot. The books are essentially the same. The characters don't change. Sookie is seriously disillusioned and lets the men in her life control her. Maybe it's because she's an uneducated ass, but that's hardly an excuse because I didn't graduate High School and I'm not a flaming moron.
If you haven't read the books or watched the TV show, DON'T.
I don't even want to donate these books to the library on the off-chance some teenager will pick them up and get completely the wrong ideas about life. Twilight is bad. This is worse. But even if I loathe the books so entirely, I could never bring myself to burn them (which is the least they deserve.)
[books: sookie stackhouse],