Jul 11, 2010 07:20
It's six thirty, I should probably be sleeping but I'm not. Hurrah! So I thought I'd write about something that's annoying me.
The Sookie Stackhouse books by Charlaine Harris - or the Southern Vampire Mystery Murder Death Kill novels, or whatever people are calling them.
I like True Blood. I don't know why. It's a guilty pleasure. Honestly, I don't know why. The last episode was nothing short of disturbing. Sookie is an annoying blonde twit who is only semi-likeable when she's not mooning over Bill, who is equally as dull and annoying. Actually, to be honest, I think it's their accents. In any case, there are only three characters thus far that I have liked: Godric (who wasn't really all that likeable in the books - mostly for the whole child molester thing), Jessica and Hoyt.
But I digress. This is about the books, not the show. But it scares me to think that the show is actually better than the books.
The reactions in the show are nearly one hundred percent more realistic than the book. Now, granted, everything takes place from Sookie's point of view and she has grown up with this ability that would desensitize a person. But it isn't just her, it's everyone. Given that there are a lot of supernatural beings in the book, I could sort of understand if they didn't react to things as us normal humans do (which is sort of touched on at the end of the second book, but let's face it - Bill sometimes acts more human than Sookie does.)
It's been a bit since I read the first book so I can't exactly say if it was the same in that one as it was in the second. But God Almighty, the second book.
In the beginning, Sookie gets attacked by a Maenad (who is actually way more cool in the book then that crazy Marianne bitch in the show). Her back gets sliced open and blah blah blah. The vampires fix her up and all is well. They discuss the upcoming plot and then Sookie and Bill head back to Bon Temps, where Sookie has a discussion with Sam about what she's doing and how she'll need time off work and look at these scars I got from this crazy bitch in the woods. Sam kisses her scars. Um, okay, she's attached to Bill. This is kind of crossing a line. But Sookie doesn't say anything. And then, randomly, Sam kisses her. Sookie is all, "Um, why did you just kiss me?" Which is, I suppose, a valid question. But she doesn't seem all that perturbed that her boss has kissed her even though she has a boyfriend.
Sam's response is: Because I felt like it.
Sookie's response? Right, that's totally okay in my world. You just kiss me whenever you feel like it, and let's move on and talk about my business in Shreveport now.
Then shit happens. Plot plot yay. At the end of book, Sookie and Bill get into a pretty big fight - because surprise, it isn't Bill that comes to her rescue, it's Eric (who, okay, is some kind of awesome in the book. Still don't like him much in the show.) Instead of checking to make sure Sookie is not shot to death, Bill goes off and chases the attackers. This sounds all well in good, but really he has no idea if Sookie is even alive. Supposedly he loves her, but killing and devouring those who would shoot at him is more important, even though bullets can't even kill him.
This is explained as one of those vampire things. He's not human anymore, so even though he loves someone, leaving them to die is totally justified. Which, fine, whatever, their Charlaine's vampires, she's totally allowed to make them that way. But my problem is this: Sookie.
Anyway, they get into this fight over it. Which is okay by me, because frankly, I'd be pissed, too. They don't speak to one another for weeks. Bill tries to get into her good graces by buying her shit without actually apologizing. Sookie gives him the 'fuck you' by returning the sparklies. She talks to her brother, and her brother says that Bill has been seen out and about with another woman. Sookie is naturally incensed. She decides, well if Bill is seeing other women, then I'm going to get all gussied up and find a good human boy to have copious amounts of sex with despite being a Good Christian Girl.
So she goes to the High School football game and sits with some of her friends and hits on the drop-dead gorgeous but not-quite-bright JB. JB is otherwise attached (but still has a torch for Sookie, which apparently so does everyone because Sookie is just the most beautiful thing ever apparently), but Sookie still gives him a peck on the lips (who does that?) Sookie goes with JB, takes him home and then heads home herself.
She is then met by Bill, who is furious that she was with another man. Because his thing with Portia Bellefleur was totally reasonable but her friendship with JB is out of line. Instead of yelling or talking about their feelings, Bill forcibly comes into her house and proceeds to have sex with her. To be honest, it looks a little like rape to me, but Sookie doesn't protest despite her being mad at him for three weeks. And then... everything is fine? Bill explains that he was seeing Portia just to make her jealous and that's okay? Sookie explains that she wasn't even doing anything with JB and that's totally not okay ever?
And then they have copious amounts of sex. Sookie even says something akin to 'lets stop' or 'be gentle', but Bill is like, 'I haven't had sex with you in three weeks, I'll do what I damn please.' I mean, granted it's put more eloquently, but that's basically the gist of it.
And that's when Bill explains that 'Oh, it's just my sillly vampire ways.' And Sookie is... okay with that? I get trying to be understanding towards a different race or whatever, but if that's the way the guy is going to treat you - you shouldn't be with him period.
I don't know, the whole thing was just ridiculous. I can't stand how the vampires in fiction these days treat their women. And it's justified by the whole 'Oh, well, they're not human to begin with.' But what is it honestly teaching girls these days? Granted, prepubescent teens probably shouldn't be reading Charlaine Harris, but still. Apparently it's okay these days for a boyfriend to be possessive and domineering?
I have to say that for Edward though - at least he seems to care whether Bella is hurt in their love-making. Bill doesn't give an ounce about Sookie. He even has sex with her after she's been beaten pretty badly, and I don't know about you, but sex is the last thing on your mind when your face is black and blue and your ribs hurt from falling on some stairs.
I guess what infuriates me the most is that this stuff is popular. People like these vampire books and support the women (women!) that write them. They aren't even decently written. Half the time I thought Charlaine Harris was writing about robots because the dialogue is so stilted. And the main characters in Twilight are so bland. Ugh. I just want to shake these people and tell them to pick up a good book. Looking for supernatural hotties? The Demon's Lexicon and it's sequel, the Demon's Covenant by Sarah Rees Brennan are excellent. Looking for adventure filled romance? Graceling by Kristen Cashore is beautiful. Looking for an empowered female? Rampant is wonderful.
There are so many amazing books out there. I get that vampires are the craze these days, but it seems to me that anything with vampires is trash. I love vampires. Seriously, I get why people are crazy about them. I have a plethora of short vampire stories. They're cool. But the stuff that is put out by mainstream media is awful.
And yet, you bet your ass I'm downloading the next True Blood episode tomorrow. And I am anxiously awaiting the new Vampire Diaries season (granted, the Vampire Diaries has a ton of girl power and sensibleness. I haven't read the books, so I don't know how much of it is changed from the literature.) What does that say about me, anyway?
[books: sookie stackhouse],
[tv: true blood],
[books: twilight]