Nov 19, 2006 23:04
that make me think of all the things i've done right and wrong in my life.
happy birthday ashley.
you are my baby sister and i wouldn't trade you for the world.
i know i haven't always done everything right,
and sometimes i feel like i completely missed parts of your life,
but i love you.
since the day you called me queenie and i refused to kiss you goodnight!
you've always been my best friend and i hope that our next 20 years together will be just as amazing as the first were!
you're always welcome at my house,
and i'm happy to call you neighbor, and not roommate! ;o)
if i could tell you one thing, it would be this...
do not be afraid...the best is yet to come.
i am blessed to have three younger sisters to share my life with.
i wish i could be with them every moment and always be there to help pick them up when they fall. it's hard to see them grow up and know that someday they may have to fall on their own, but i will always be there for you three. you girls are my world and i hope that i have been an all right sister.
it's hard to confront my fears, my failures. to admit that more often than not i am much afraid, is a level of vulnerability that i would not be able to experience if it weren't for those i love, especially Ashley, Cori, and Taryn Dunton. if i could do it all again, i wish i could say that i wouldn't change a thing. but it's just not true. hindsight is always 20/20. so here's my perfect vision for you girls:
if you don't love yourself, you won't be able to love others.
keep your eyes on the Lord and hold everything with open hands.
it's gonna hurt, but don't be afraid, it will only make you stronger.
and when you find the man who loves you more than life:
put away the basketball shorts,
eat a salad instead of french fries and ranch,
try new things even if it's gross,
buy some Gucci perfume,
take showers everyday (regardless of what it does to your hair),
turn off your cell phone,
turn off the tv,
only work enough to pay your bills,
take it one day at a time,
and don't miss a moment.
sometimes you have to lose it all to realize that it is something worth fighting for. but keep your eyes turned to heaven and just know that whatever God brings you to, He will bring you through. lay it all down, and if something seems to die, just trust that the things closest to you, the Lord can raise from the dead.
whatever you do and wherever you go, always remember,
i [love never fails] you.