Safe - Chapter 26

Aug 05, 2007 20:52

Characters: Peter/Claude-centric ensemble
Rating/Warnings: PG-13 for implicit violence
Word count: 1,100
Spoilers: AU, but up to 1.15 ("Run!"), to be safe.
Disclaimer: Nothing is mine but the words.
A/N: Today we're playing catch-up with a few different characters, and we meet a new one ( Previous chapters)

The man walks slowly, shoulders bowed beneath the weight of his own thoughts )

sylar, hana, hiro, heroes_fic, heroes, ando, fic, safe

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visiblemarket August 6 2007, 01:07:28 UTC
Yay! Hana! Totally didn't expect her to show up but she's awesome. Does she send telegraphs with her mind? Is that her power? Does she have a power? Is this all something we're going to find out later?

And then she notices his stare and stares back; Anders suddenly develops an interest in the paint-spattered floor.- Hee! Oh, Anders.

And aww, Gabriel...he just needs to find Mohinder and I'm sure he'll give up all the crazy murdering people. Really.

Speaking of, I don't remember, but was the waitress he killed Charlotta? I thought so but I wasn't sure.

Glad to see at least part of your writing block has lifted!


indyhat August 6 2007, 07:15:27 UTC
Yay! Hana! Totally didn't expect her to show up but she's awesome. Does she send telegraphs with her mind? Is that her power? Does she have a power? Is this all something we're going to find out later?

*g* No more caffeine for you.

I actually only thought of Hana's involvement as I was writing this (I needed a character ... she popped up). However, maybe she can be useful later. I seem to be throwing so many plots in the air with this story and just hoping some of them stick!

And aww, Gabriel...he just needs to find Mohinder and I'm sure he'll give up all the crazy murdering people. Really.

*g* You guys are the biggest Mylar cheerleaders I've ever seen. Um, Gabriel/Sylar's destiny has to play out a bit, yet.

I don't remember, but was the waitress he killed Charlotta? I thought so but I wasn't sure.

It was hinted at, but never said explicitly.

Glad to see at least part of your writing block has lifted!Thanks! I've been struggling with the next Peter/Claude chapter for a week, so I chickened out and wrote this one instead (since ( ... )


visiblemarket August 6 2007, 11:47:14 UTC
No more caffeine for you- Ha! You think that's me on caffeine? Please...that's me when I get home exhausted from work and find my favorite story up! I get excited.

You guys are the biggest Mylar cheerleaders I've ever seen. - Well when you write them both so well...what can you expect?

It was hinted at, but never said explicitly.- I actually went back to read that bit and yeah, it seemed quite obvious then.

I had a bit of a breakthrough last night though so hopefully the next chapter will catch up with our boys again.- Yay! That is exciting!


indyhat August 6 2007, 12:24:37 UTC
Please...that's me when I get home exhausted from work and find my favorite story up! I get excited.

This is your favourite story? :D Awwwww. *blushes* Thank you!

Well when you write them both so well...what can you expect?

*doesn't know where to look* Uh ... thank you :)

*goes off all giddy*


visiblemarket August 6 2007, 17:53:33 UTC
And hopefully my flatter will accomplish my malevolent goals...also known as, getting you to write the next chapter quickly. My malevolent goals aren't especially interesting.


indyhat August 6 2007, 18:54:16 UTC

Well, I respect your malevolent goals ... unfortunately today I have been sidetracked by writing pr0n. Will try and finish that off (er ... ) so I can get on with Safe.


visiblemarket August 6 2007, 19:01:39 UTC
unfortunately today I have been sidetracked by writing pr0n- Well, you know how much I object to...pr0n. How dare you...write pr0n? Will this...pr0n be up (oh, god...) soon, so that I may further scorn it?

(I don't know why I'm being so odd today...)


indyhat August 6 2007, 19:09:09 UTC
Well, you know how much I object to...pr0n.

The way I heard it, you can't stand the stuff. I can only apologise.

How dare you...write pr0n?

*hangs head* I am ashamed. Actually, it's working out a bit more explicit than usual and I might very well end up ashamed.

Will this...pr0n be up (oh, god...) soon, so that I may further scorn it?

*g* Yeah, though probably tomorrow, my time, because I don't think I'll be able to finish it off (hee) tonight.


visiblemarket August 6 2007, 19:15:15 UTC
Actually, it's working out a bit more explicit than usual and I might very well end up ashamed.- Well I'm absolutely scandalized. Can't wait to read it and shame you adequately. I might have to bring out my big red "P".

because I don't think I'll be able to finish it off (hee) tonight- Hmm, one night's not enough? That must make you very popular.

Oh, oddness...I need a nap. And writing time.


indyhat August 6 2007, 21:11:17 UTC
Well I'm absolutely scandalized. Can't wait to read it and shame you adequately. I might have to bring out my big red "P".


Hmm, one night's not enough? That must make you very popular.

*snort* There'd be that crazy notion of my bf actually wanting to spend some time with me.


visiblemarket August 6 2007, 21:17:33 UTC
Hee! I CAN HAZ SCARLET LETTERZ? :D-'s people like you that big red "P" was invented for.


indyhat August 6 2007, 21:41:50 UTC
it's people like you that big red "P" was invented for.

What- redheads?


visiblemarket August 6 2007, 22:05:21 UTC
Well, gingers are high on my list of undesirables but in your case, I meant...I'm not even sure what I meant. I'm hardly ever sure what I mean. It's pretty safe to ignore what I say, is what I'm saying.


indyhat August 6 2007, 23:01:40 UTC
Hee! I'm undesirable! :D


visiblemarket August 6 2007, 23:04:43 UTC
You are devastatingly undesirable, my dear. Honestly.


indyhat August 6 2007, 23:05:13 UTC

... waitaminute.


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