Piss off SAC (rant)

Mar 10, 2008 18:08

My freaking SAC council decides to disclude me from the quarterly last dinner because I have to take an early flight out next week. I can't believe I'm the only one in the whole damn group to get tossed out of the equation just because they can't even re-schedule the event a few days earlier for me. I f*king  handled the Open Mic Night event, I fucking stayed in the school till 12:30 at night cleaning up, I got a freaking fever the next day, so I think I deserve some credit and at least a little concern but no, no one even cares that I can't make it. I just went through surgery for a tumor in my parietal lobe, Im struggling enough as it is but for them to not even bat an eyelash to helping me come to the last dinner is complete bullshit

so for today (and today only) F*K you SAC

Love, the guy you won't be seeing next quarter,


betrayel piss off wankers rant dumb ass

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