8 weeks into a microbiology course, a student should know that bacteria do not look like huge spiky snowflakes under the microscope. That's crystallized stain you're looking at.
Just found out that someone I went to high school with is running for House of Delegates. I remember this guy barely passing his classes, shit-faced at dances after football games (he played, badly), and getting into a fight in a bar that didn't card during his senior year. Apparently he danced with a hot blonde whose husband wasn't thrilled about it. Mr. Delegate thought he could ignore the guy leaning on the bar trying to look menacing, because he was wearing Bermuda shorts, so really, how tough could he be? He found out when Mr. Bermuda shorts beat the hell out of him. Turns out, Mr and Mrs Bermuda shorts had done this several times before - she'd get all snuggly with somebody, hubby would get pissed and knock the guy around, which would get her hot and bothered and then they'd go make out in the car. Anyway, that's the image I get when I see a photo of this guy in a conservative blue suit and imagine him having a political career. Getting beat up by a guy in Bermuda shorts.
Tried to play matchmaker for a couple of friends last weekend. They talked, got to know each other, but it's not gonna work. They're both bottoms. I realized this about 5 minutes *after* introducing them. Also, friend #1, who is the kinkiest little slut I've ever met (and I say that with great affection and a pinch of admiration), told me that friend #2 is "too pervy" for him. So now my mind boggles. Seriously, wtf is friend #2 into? I'm honestly kind of dying to know.
Four-day weekend coming up. Need to put together a new bed frame, if I can manage it alone. If y'all don't see me for a while, I might be buried under a queen-size mattress and box spring.