Yesterday must have been the day for the Dodge Charger. First, a post by
gieves drew a response from me questioning the merit of referring to the new Charger as a muscle car. Later that night I saw one of Dodge's new "So you really want a..." commercial, in which the customer intimated that she wanted a more powerful engine. Dodge's answer? The new, more powerful Charger with a 3.5L V6...
Now, don't get me wrong, a modern 3.5L V6 has plenty of power, enough to get you so many speeding tickets you'll lose your license. In fact, our Nissan Altima has a 3.5. The question this raises though, is what was a car with a pedigree like the Charger doing with anything less than this in the first place? And if they don't pack an eight, can we stop referring to them as muscle cars?
The second commercial concerns something which I'm eminently unqualified to comment on. But I will anyway (hey, they let me vote too :)
I keep seeing (on some cable channels) advertisements from a feminine hygiene company concerning a 13 year old girl somewhere in Africa who could miss up to a week of school every month because of her menstrual cycle. This absence from school could cause her to fall behind, and eventually drop out. To quote CPT Koprowski: What the F*ck, over?
Are you telling me that throughout the entire history of this region no one figured out how to deal with this? I'm expected to believe that more primitive tribal women were able to stop working for a week because of their period? Or is this some self-righteous first world company trying to take more credit than is due them for their minor act of charity (the company in question, I think it might have been Cotex, donates products with every purchase you make)?