friends only, but actively recruiting...

Feb 11, 2009 03:00

recently gone friend's-only just so everything i write doesn't end up on google

please take a look at my user-info and if we have anything in common, feel free to leave a comment or add me.
if i feel we can relate, i'll add you back.

i'm prone to midnight madness, but most of my entries are rational.
this journal is fairly themed (again, see user-info) so you won't get a tonne of what i did today posts.

when i do decide i'm not interested in reading a friend's journal any longer, i just make the cut. no personal good-byes. it just means we probably don't have so much in common, and i don't want to be a crappy friend by not reading/commenting.

leaving me comments is optional. i will never request them. i do; however, love discussion so share your ideas and thoughts with me. i'm not big on e-hugs and don't always return them. that's just a me-thing. i do always appreciate kindness and compassion, and i do my best make karmic returns. i also like debates, so hit me with it if you got it.

i'm not much of a speller and i'm canadian, so i add in extra letters and the letter U whenever i can. :-) please try to remember i'm canadian before offering any american-centric advice. i write a lot about medical stuff, but i can't say hearing about the most recent from the FDA interests me much. our FDA is Health Canada. also, i don't have medical insurance and don't need it. i can purchase an extended benefit plan if i so choose. that said, most of my friends are american. my RL best friend is american. NYC is my favourite city. i like americans. just keep in mind that i'm not actually american. it saves me the trouble of writing a lot of: yeah but, i'm canadian.

i seldom use caps. this started as a way to separate my professional writing from blog writing, but has now become habit.

i'm diagnosed with bipolar disorder, ocd and adhd. i love to have friends with similar issues, but it isn't a requirement. just remember that i actually have these conditions... so i may flip if somebody posts saying: i'm so ocd, referring to their like for neatly folded clothes. if you spend three hours folding and refolding clothes, and are late to work or school because of it, then perhaps you have a similar issue. if not, it's just offensive slang. same with the bipolar. your fickle boyfriend or on-again/off-again relationship really isn't a case of the love bipolar; contrary to what katy perry thinks. although, katy perry fans are welcome. i find i am utterly unable to keep from tapping my toes when she comes on the radio, no matter how offensive the lyrics. again, that all said, i'm open to discussion about anything i make public and if you are curious... ask away. i'm not a public advocate, but i'll share my own experiences with friends.

i have no qualms about the content you post and don't care about what filters i'm on. i'm extremely liberal and an atheist... in those respects, nothing really offends me. i filter my friend's page to read in a way that is convenient to me... but i don't use filters to restrict content to only certain friends. what you see, is everything i write.


ps: to get the gist of what this journal is about, you may want to read my first entry once we have become friends.
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