It's been a wonderful week! Everything started on sunday, I, Laura and Marty should have gone in Milan, but we didn't so we decided to watch some movies at Lau's home.
She's got the beast home theatre of evah! A wonderful room, 5.1 surround, a huge white screen and the projector... It was like a cinema. Only better XD So, the only bad thing was that Samy wasn't there ç.ç Sigh. We watched Secret Window (O____O WOW) and White Noise (O___O argh!). Johnny Depp rocks! Oh, ehy! In her wonderful home theatre Lau's got the original autograph OF HARRISON FORD AND SEAN CONNERY. On a picture of them during INDIANA JONES AND THE LAST CRUSADE. I died. Then, I explained Lau that I must come to her 3 times per day to pray and build and altar in front of that holy wall.
Well well. The movie were great really *___* And it's been wonderful XD I love Lau & Marty tooooo much! Love ya sisters! Oh yeah *jumps all around*
Theeen... Other things interesting about the week, well. I received my report on friday, so, well... It wasn't bad. Not at all. But it could have been better...
the first is for the written test, the other for the oral...u.u
Italian Language and Literature: 7 6
Latin Language and Literature: 5 (-.-') 8 (but, mate. Do something like 6 and 7?)
English Language and Literature: 9 (*-*) 8 (I'm the best of the class, ladedada...)
History 7
Philosophy 7
Maths (die, ya useless thing, die) 7 5 ('cuz the teacher SCARES ME)
physic (even bitch can teach) 5 6 (è_è she's not anble to count!)
Astronomy, or whatever it is... 6
history of Art 6 (it should have been a 7. Another bitch)
This were the most important. Blah. We receive marks form 1 to 10. 10 is like... God or so. No one get it è.é 6 is good. 5 is bad. And then, better or worst u.u'
Oh yeah. You really need to know that, yah?
Tomorrow SNOWING DAY. No idea of where I'll go, exaclty. With school we're go... On the snow. Somewhere. And we'll do something. Yesss... There'll be Samy, and Lau, and Marty and YAYYYYY *___* *runs around and sings* I'll do ice-skating *___* Love it so muuuuch, but there's nothing near my town where I can do it ç_ç sigh.
The other important thing is that I'm probably going to change my LJ layout. A really importatn thing to make you know, yes. Well... I guess it'll be again all yellow, orange, yellow and yellow. YELLOW POWER!
And no more friends only, I think. 'Coz a great amount of friends are not on LJ (great amount of friend = Lau, Marty, and Samy who's too lazy to log in :p). Probably, they won't read this anyway 'coz I write in eglish. And I'm italian. Don't ask. I don't know anymore why I write in another languages. But my marks said that I can u.u' And I like english *___* I LIKE IT!
Okay. I'm happy and crazy. But the question is: Am I happy 'coz I'm crazy, or am I crazy 'coz I'm happy?
See ya, Love ya, Squeeze ya! *hugs!*