Doctor Who 6.03

May 08, 2011 11:23

I enjoyed the pirate part a lot more than I thought I would. Even if it did remind me too much of Pirates of the Caribbean at times.

However, once Rory fell overboard and the shift to the spaceship (and thus changed genres with no warning), it swiftly turned overly ridiculous. And while I refuse to think about the numerous plot holes and inconsistencies-- I want to keep some enjoyment-- my one major compliant: the Doctor should freaking know how to do CPR (after all, he is 909 and traveled with humans for how many hundreds of years?), and the TARDIS infirmary is right up the stairs. And honestly, did anyone really expect us to believe Rory was in danger?

I know full well it was probably meant to be a somewhat lighthearted break between Moffat’s episodes and Gaiman’s. But it was kind-of a letdown.

No idea about the woman, but she’s going to be important. Creepier this time.

Finally, I know what the season plot arc is! I couldn’t tell from the opener, because there’s too much left unanswered. Pregnancy and death. Not sure what that says about Moffat.

On a random note, this is the second time I’ve liked the first half of the third episode of a Moffat season, but not the last half.

Looking forward to next week's!

doctor who

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