Mar 14, 2005 14:48
OMFG! Wintel is going down!
Take that to the head a big blue baseball bat upside ya noggin!
Oh yessss....Big blue; I never doubted you.
Got my GWBasic runn'n without a hard chip, got the company logo
on anything I can get, got a 200 cd developer toolbox bound in leather
...just short of a corporate tattoo.. God I luv IBM.
I'm psyched.
I just read in the newspaper that IBM, Sony, and Toshiba are
releasing a new processor code named 'The Cell' its supposed to run
five times faster than the Pentium 4. A buncha clustered CPUs running side
by side to properly distribue use. Can you see the next step being
SPARCells! Imagine upgrading from 20Ghz to 30Ghz clock speed by slapping
another chip into a bay?
Sun Microsystems needs to get in on this deal!
Intel could become obsolete in a mere four or five years.
Heres the best part...
Its entirely new architecture, new hardware standards...everythings going
to change and Microsoft doesn't have first dibs on it to be writing the
base software...wonder what we'll be running?
Hmmm....maybe something like Unix? Muhwahahahahahahahahaha.