Hello again everyone! It certainly has been awhile!
I'm trying my hardest to live out my dreams, what got me onto LJ and kept me interested, to start a quaint boutique-cafe.
My current attempt to build up capital to someday realize this dream successfully is my 'business' Ick Construction LLC, which is currently making small runs of handmade lower-cost lolita clothing.
Please like us on facebook if you haven't already: I have some bloomers for sale, and I'll be offering some other colors/styles soon.
We also have our Little Bear line for sale, until it sells out. We only have enough fabric to make a total of 7 items.
This livejournal will probably become some sort of base for updates for this "brand" that I'm trying to start. Obviously this will include all of my problems etc etc. Please bear with me and comment with suggestions. I really would appreciate it.
We are looking for a graphic designer and a web designer, so if you know of anyone that might be of use, please send them by! Given that we are a legitimate business (and especially in the eyes of the law) we will pay them for their time.