It's a kind of magic~

Oct 14, 2009 18:57

My uni starts again soon which is actually something I'm really looking forward to. I think my brain has turned to mush during the last three months. *___* I need something to do again ( Read more... )

my head just exploded, ramblings, sorry for the spam, life, ohhh lookie it sparkles, merlin

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Comments 23

boreal_forest October 14 2009, 19:02:23 UTC

PINK?! Oh, sweet gods, save him from the horror of The Pink!!! *is _allergic_ to pink* Otherwise, I understad how she feels. My little elfling got 5 loveletters today. From 2 girls... *yay - grandkinds in 15 years ahoy!!*

Uhm, your Uni isn't as evil as EDMs, then. Cool. I hope my Uni doesn't suck, and gods, I too need something to do again. But, my studies starts in January, so... meh, this is me being bored half to death.

So, you really like Merlin, eh? *snickers* I like the sword...


industrialgirl1 October 14 2009, 19:08:08 UTC
Buahahhaha, I love pink. I have a newly discovered obsession with it actually. XDD I think it started when I found the evil side of life... Mwuahhahahaha)))
Aww, that's cute! How old is he? My nephew is three))

My uni is slightly evil but I don't think anything can be as bad as the Evil Uni of Doom my darling wife goes to)) And I can really understand your pain. Vacation is awesome but it gets boring after a while((

I do! I don't know why but it makes me happy))) And I like the sword as well ;D


boreal_forest October 14 2009, 19:22:59 UTC
Pink is certainly an Evil Thing, yes. It suits you rather well, I think. *shudders* But, I'll stick with black, 'cause it makes me look cooler. And you know how horrible other Heroes dress, don't you? Well, I DON'T look like they do. Thanks higher powers.

My little guy is 8 years. I told him I expect 2 things of him; 1 - that he finds happiness and joy and peace in life. 2 - GRANDCHILDREN! *GRIN* He said yes to both. XDD

O.o... I didn't even know that the Uni is full of Evil, dammit. Bad karma for me!

*swords are a Hero's best friend and should be treated as beloved pets*


industrialgirl1 October 14 2009, 19:28:20 UTC
Pink is the colour of evil))) When we take over the world I'll make sure that our flag is going to be bright pink. XDD Black is nice as well though))) I wear it when I'm in disguise))) you don't wear spandex then? XD

I'm not sure he knows what he agreed to there. XDDDD

Every uni is evil)) Some just hide it better than others)) I'm sure you'll prevail though!)))

*hopes you don't actually pet swords*


istne_pieklo October 14 2009, 19:52:31 UTC
Damn, we need to swap unis)))) Believe me, in my uni, you won't have time to miss it b/c we have almost no vacation time))) This summer, I think, it's going to be even shorter)))
Your family is an evil one)))))
OMG, the first one! Is it from the promo? B/c I don't remember any eps featuring such a scene... But I want to see that ep! XDDD
Merlin + Morgana's dress = EPIC ROMANCE_))))


industrialgirl1 October 14 2009, 19:58:39 UTC
No thank you))) You shouldn't tell me so much about your uni because no sane or insane person would want to swap with you))) And damn, that sucks... Meh((
They're all from the trailer for the second season))) It's at the end of the first episode)))
...except for Arthur/Gwen but who cares)))


istne_pieklo October 14 2009, 20:02:41 UTC
Yeah, that's what I called promi)) DO WANT!!!
Naaah, the canon ship is Arthur/Merlin)))) Gwen can go look for Lancelot for all I care. And depart from the show together with him))))


industrialgirl1 October 14 2009, 20:08:22 UTC
Damn, I really needed to think what you meant with "promi" there))) because in German that's short for "famous person"))))))
But YES, ME TOO!!!! And I can't wait for the episode with the witchfinder))) Nyahhhh)))
Nooooo, I like Gwen! She's cute))) They need to have an orgy and after that Arthur and Merlin can have their epic bicker-love while Lancelot and Morgana share Gwen. And when they're feeling kinky then Merlin is going to wear Morgana's dress and the two of them will make ~magic~ together. XDDDD


helike October 14 2009, 20:15:28 UTC
LOL Anakin? After this Anakin? The name brings bad luck. Two men shared the name and it didn't bring any happiness to any of them in the end.

I don't think I want to really see my uni anytime soon x_x


industrialgirl1 October 14 2009, 20:27:57 UTC
LOL, yes))) Are there any other Anakins?)) My sister likes him a lot)) After I got her to watch Star Wars with me for the first time she wall all "dude, who's the hot one?")))

Your uni sucks though)) And you work for it)) There's a difference)))


helike October 14 2009, 20:31:05 UTC
Dunno :P There might be some :P Anakin's grandson was named Anakin, too XD


industrialgirl1 October 14 2009, 20:33:37 UTC
Hahahaha, yeah but neither my sister nor I are into the EU))) There's only one Anakin for us~~~ The emo one)))


(The comment has been removed)

industrialgirl1 October 18 2009, 22:01:07 UTC
Hahahha, awesome!)) I'm not sure purple is Merlin's colour though. XD


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