Velvet Goldmine! If you like glitter, Ewan McGregor and a bit of strangeness then this is THE movie for you! And because I'm completely insane and obsessed with making icons lately I just couldn't resist the glittery glitterness that is Jonathan Rhys Meyer kissing Ewan McGregor. So here we go:
take your time she's only burning )
No one knows it where I live either. I have a pretty worn out VHS copy of it. Not even a DVD! I made a few ppl watch it, so they fangirl/fanboy too, but still, it's not widely famous. Which is a pity!
Oh yes! <3
I know what you mean. I'm always deleting and uploading icons because I just can't choose.
And while I do own it on DVD it's not in my native language but only in English so I had to watch it two times alone just to understand everything. ^^
I have it in English, too))) And I'd really hate to watch it in any other language: with these great songs and actors' voices dubbing would kill all the charm))
Oh yeah, deleting/uploading can be such a pain: I can never choose whoch one to delete! XDDD
I know. Generally I prefer to watch movies in their original language too, but subtitles would've been nice. But of course back then the movie wasn't available in Germany so I had to buy it in Scotland... T_T
Choosing which icon to delete is always a pain... but I just can't help it ;)
I agree: it was a bit hard to understand at first. I bought it primarily because of Placebo acting there (my fav band, lol!) and when I watched it I was like: "Wtf was that?! BUT I LOVE IT!!!" XDDD
Neither can I! Icons are love! Maybe we should like... petition LJ to death until they make a huge icon space available not only for the paid accounts? GJ has 2000 icons free! That's sooo cool))
I watched it mainly for Ewan McGregor who I was very much obsessed with back then ^ ^ But I loved the entire thing too much to reduce it just to Ewan♥.
And yes! Let's start a icon revolution!
I still love Ewan, he's one of my fav actors. But when I bought the movie, I didn't even know he starred there. So it was a really pleasant surprise. And it also introduced me to Jonathan Rhys-Meyers and Christian Bale who are my fav actors as well nowadays))))
I was actually in the second row right in front of Brian. So much love.
And yes, we sure do. Where were you all these years? :P Ewan is great. Have you ever seen 'Big Fish'? I loved that one so much. It's so very dreamy. Johnathan Rhys-Meyers's got to be one of the prettiest men alive. (I just read your entry in your other journal. where did you find the spoilers for 405?)
Wow! Sounds cool! I was at a tribune, pretty far away from the stage, but still it was such an emotional upheaval!
Heh, I guess the same where I am now)))
I love Big Fish. It's one of those few times when I allowed myself to actually cry in public. I saw it in cinema, and the ending got me incredibly weepy)))
The spoilers are at chuunin, here: They are there practically every week for a new chapter. Mostly confirmed.
Good night! <3
Btw, love your LJ title! Simple but inspiring!)))
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