Thank you!♥

Sep 15, 2008 14:46

I know I'm a bit late with this but I just wanted to say
to everyone who sent birthday wishes my way. It made me all happy and warm and definitely helped me get over this day. XDD So thank you so much! You're all made of win!♥

And I really need to pimp the stories I got so everyone has the chance to read the awesomeness:

Forget the camera - make love to the photographer!
by the lovely and amazing carola_chan who deserves teh interwebz for this piece of hotness. There's nothing like NC-17 rated SasuNaru to make a day fabulous!♥

Deep Core
by my most awesome Sweetheart, EDM, and evil twin living way too far away istne_pieklo! This story is too gorgeous to describe you just have to read it. (Let's finally go to Vegas, honey!)♥

Questionable Masculinity
because no day is perfect without a healthy dose of Crack. I literally laughed my head off reading this! And the brilliant author is amai_amaya who I will faithfully stalk from now on. (I know which uni you'll go to and what you look like. Mwuahahahah!!! XDD)♥

Again, I can't thank everyone enough! You are love.♥

OH MY FUCKING GOD I HATE FOOTBALL!!!!! To be more precise I hate the fucking fans who should die a very painful death being beaten to a pulp by frustrated housewives on PMS. Saturday afternoon was a game in my fucking home city and it was Dresden against Berlin which is really, really bad. The Dresden fans are pretty much nationally acknowledged as the worst fans in fucking history that should be forbidden from ever stepping a foot in a stadium ever again. The Berlin fans aren't exactly gentlemen either.

Now, because Dresden sucks the fucking football stadium is in the middle of the fucking city centre. EVERY. SINGLE. GAME. they cordon off all the streets surrounding it making it pretty much impossible to get anywhere. From the early morning helicopters fly above the city, and there's police everywhere. Honestly you get the feeling you're in the middle of a prison break instead of a football game. Because they wanted to avoid conflict they had the Berlin fans coming in a special train and even fucking escorted them to the stadium and back. And then those fucking assholes had the fucking nerve to close off every fucking street leading to the train station. It was impossible to get there! I mean what the fuck? They can't do that just because a few people are dumber than bread and have bashing-each-others-heads-in as a hobby. I say lock them in a room and let them.
I was this close to screaming at someone but sadly the police had weapons and I didn't and I have a brain and the fans didn't. The end of it was that I made it to the train station with five minutes to spare only to find out that THEY FUCKING CANCELED THE TRAIN IN FAVOUR OF THE FUCKING "SPECIAL" TRAIN FOR THOSE FUCKING FOOTBALL FANS! So, I had to wait for the next possible one with bawling idiots and a lot of police for company. Lovely.

gift, my flist is ♥, rant, life, pimping, thank you!

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