birthday drabbles fordayadhvam_triad

Sep 12, 2008 12:39

Happy oh fuck I'm so late Birthday dayadhvam_triad!

I'm sorry I'm so late with this and it's so short but to make up for it I wrote two birthday drabbles for you. Aren't you a unlucky one? XDD

title: We’re not the same, dear
word count: 372
genre: general
character: Itachi
prompt: "digging graves" The prompt for this was given to me by one awesome person ( Read more... )

gift, fanfic, naruto

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Comments 20

istne_pieklo September 12 2008, 12:02:43 UTC
OMFG, there is a second one! O_o It's love! *rereads* Even more love! XDDD


industrialgirl1 September 12 2008, 14:49:18 UTC
*takes a break from the cake* Yes! It's the train I tell you! <3 I'm glad you like them even if you're not the birthday girl. XDDD


istne_pieklo September 12 2008, 15:34:35 UTC
Like I'm not allowed to like smn else's birthday presents))))))
How's the cake? Tasty?


industrialgirl1 September 12 2008, 16:15:13 UTC
LOL)) You are allowed)) But only because I'm feeling nice today))))
The cake is/was very yummy.))) I still have some left but first I'll eat my sister's cooking)))) Mhmmmmmmm


amai_amaya September 12 2008, 15:41:44 UTC
My favourite is the first one <3 Very beautifully written. And... HAPPY BIRTHDAY *GLOMPS*

Lass dir den Kuchen schmecken ♥


industrialgirl1 September 13 2008, 19:14:11 UTC
Thank you so much! *glomps back*
I wrote both of them mostly while being on the train and only had a few minutes left or the second one. And I always wanted one of those nifty drabbles with exactly 100 words. :D

Der Kuchen war klasse! Ich träum jetzt noch davon. XDD

(I promise to read the Hidan fic tomorrow but I'm just too tired and braindead now~)


helike September 12 2008, 16:09:07 UTC
Beautiful :) Both of them :)
Hope the cake is tasty XDD
Happy birthday :)


industrialgirl1 September 13 2008, 19:15:46 UTC
Thank you!
I'm glad you liked them. But it's Itachi so I was pretty sure you would.♥ and the cake was awesome! XD
Thanks again. :-)


dayadhvam_triad September 13 2008, 00:05:00 UTC
OMG thank you! *glomps*

He turned the picture in his hands, again and again until the family inside of it was distorted through wrinkles and the perfection of this day was nothing but a faded memory threatening to break Itachi’s resolve and just make him run back to his most precious person.
That was a very lovely line. *sighs happily* And the image of Itachi literally burying the past through the buried picture--*____________* *squees* <3333


I love these both! Thank you very much!

and also--*drumroll* A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, MY DEAR! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Give me a prompt and I will try to write something for you, although it will probably be very late. XD ♥


industrialgirl1 September 13 2008, 19:20:40 UTC
I'm so glad you like them honey! *glomps you like woah* I love you for loving gen by the way. It was so refreshing not to write the mansex for once (not that I don't love the mansex)! XDDD

And THANK YOU SO MUCH MY LOVELY AND SPARKLY COMPANION!!! But my brain is dead tonight. *___* I'll try to think of a prompt tomorrow when I'm all fresh and sparkly.^^


dayadhvam_triad September 16 2008, 18:44:55 UTC
:DD You are awesome and made of win! *GLOMPS* And gen is refreshing--I mean, I don't object to mansex, but I think gen is so much neglected that it should also get some love! XD



industrialgirl1 September 16 2008, 19:37:50 UTC
*blush* I most certainly don't object the mansex either. In fact I love and adore it! :D But especially Sasuke's and Itachi's gen-relationship makes my heart go pitter-patter. But I'm afraid to look for fics about them because ItaSasu makes me shudder. XDDD


dune_master September 13 2008, 19:52:40 UTC
He turned the picture in his hands, again and again until the family inside of it was distorted through wrinkles and the perfection of this day was nothing but a faded memory threatening to break Itachi’s resolve and just make him run back to his most precious person.

Fuck, that hurts! And I can totally see it happening. Gorgeous drabbles, both of them!
And btw, Happy slightly belated Birthday to you!


industrialgirl1 September 14 2008, 11:04:54 UTC
LOL)) You're already the second person who quoted this part. Glad you like them!^^
And thank you! Another year older T_T


dune_master September 14 2008, 14:02:26 UTC
Either I'm unoriginal or it's just too beautiful. XD
Ah yes, let's mourn! My birthday is a few months away yet, and I'm already dreading it.


industrialgirl1 September 14 2008, 14:24:06 UTC
I'm too modest to say it's the second one and don't want to insult you by agreeing with the first one You never know when I might need your help so I say that it's the only part quoteable. XDDDD
It's so depressing. At least you have some time left, I had to drown my sorrow in food.


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