Title: Four Seasons
Pairing/Characters: SasuNaruSasu, in this chapter only very slight though
Warning: not betaed, angst
summary: Life can change in the blink of an eye. Four seasons in four different realities.
Disclaimer: They are certainly not mine even if I want them to be. The lyrics are by Guster.
A/N: Oh god I hate this chapter. I wrote
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Oh, Sasuke. No matter what, he almost always gets the short stick of things; either his father doesn't pay much attention, or his family dies and he gets molested by Orochimaru. XDD
He wanted to catch that fire and lock it away from this world to only ever be looked upon by him and no one else. That overwhelming feeling of being alive was wasted on a world that thrived on death and the greyness of a cold heart.
Possessive, Sasuke? :P I like how you contrast Naruto's life with the darkness and death of the Narutoverse.
:O The way you sectioned the announcement of Naruto's death--really, REALLY effective. <3
And they all go into the dark. This is awfully depressing, you know that? XD Sasuke going out of the warm room into the snowy outside. BUT YOU KILLED NARUTO. >(
Yeah, he is.)) I just think that here nothing truly belongs to him. He's an Uchiha but only one of many. And he's a great shinobi but nothing compared to his brother. I think he would want Naruto for himself. :)
Thanks)) I thought quite a bit on how to tell that he's dead but decided that this casual and almost indifferent way would be the best. Sasuke doesn't know he should angst about his death after all.^^
And awww! Thank you! I wanted it to be really depressive! After the fluff and smut of Spring and Summer they needed some well deserved angst. I PROMISE HE'LL LIVE IN WINTER!!! Maybe.
I know! He's counted as one of the many ninjas who happen to be part of the clan; he can't stand out for himself. I suppose he wants those who can make a mark of their own existence on others.
The casual, indifferent way works VERY well. Especially since it's so short and blunt. It's like the emotional impact of the very idea hitting him.
YES! That was exactly my idea here. His life kind of sucks in this universe. At least he has a few adventures in canon.^^
Sasuke is such an emotional prick. Originally Naruto wasn't going to die actually. But that didn't really work out.^^;
MWUAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Like I said. Maybe. ;P
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