1) I've been sick, and I'm almost better. A cold that became a sinus/lung thing. B got the cold, but it didn't turn into a big to-do the way mine did. It's also one of those that impacts one's mood. I was grouchy as hell for a week, and tired, and now he is. Poor Husband.
I haven't been sick in a couple of years. Because I work in a huge public service computer lab, I've become pretty vigilant about wiping down the phone, keyboard, mouse, etc. with anti-crud wipes when I get to the reference desk. I sanitize my hands frequently, sinus rinse twice a day, and habitually don't touch my face with my fingers. You would too if you saw people coughing all over their keyboards on a daily basis.
So anyhow, I caught it anyhow, which means is some virulent shit. Hopefully the residual hack will go away soon because it's keeping me awake. I've got an albuterol inhaler which helps during the day, but no codeine cough syrup, damnit.
2) While I dislike not working out, being sick made me take a week off, and actually my body is kind of happy about it. My back feels good and I'm energized to hit it hard, to the point where I need to slow myself down because I'm not 100% yet.
I can't remember the last time I missed a regularly scheduled workout. Oh - I didn't work out in Dallas but that's because the air was so bad I couldn't see, didn't seem prudent to breathe deeply. Plus it was only 4 days. Other than that - years, including vacations. We worked out on the cruise ship in 2008.
Yesterday was my first day back in the saddle. We did what I call a TRX etc. workout. B and I work out together and we have one TRX strap thingy plus one kettlebell each (25 for me, 35 for him), so I pull together alternating sets of TRX, KB, and basic calisthenics.
Stuff like: he does 40 seconds of rows on the TRX while I do 40 seconds of plank pushups; rest 20 seconds; repeat two more times; switch. Or: he does 40 seconds of chest press on the TRX while I do alternating shoulder press with the KB; rest 20 sec.; repeat three more times (for evenness on the bilateral exercise); switch.
It makes for a pretty effective, efficient workout. The TRX feels easier on my joints, it's easy to adjust for difficulty by changing angle, and I like the higher rep muscular endurance resistance training. We could use one more (slightly heavier) KB each and a step. In the summer we do it outside, which means more swings and stuff (because we're not working out over wood floors).
We do a power KB day at the gym on Wednesday (which B is in charge of), which rips me up, but feels good. It's amazing how picking something heavy up 3 times using momentum can leave me that sore. I love to do snatches, it makes me feel like a badass Amazon lady. T/Th I go to yoga class in the evening, which I try to precede with gym cardio or a run (I suck at running).
3) Oh, and speaking of kettlebells and fitness and stuff, did I tell you that I passed
this test a couple of months ago? So I'm a IKBB certified KB instructor. I just did it for fun and personal development, not to be a trainer.
OK, time to go make lunches and feel smug. Have a happy day, ya'll!