Aug 03, 2007 12:47
Well, my friend and I are planning to have a burnfest '07. What the hell is burnfest '07?
Well, Anne and I will go to every borough in one day, trying to venture into unknown places, smoking a joint/or blunt in each borough. We will be carrying a fifty piece and a camera throughout the day, leading it to be quite eventful. These are our destinations, in order:
Queens: Roosevelt Island and then go on the tram to Manhattan (although I've been told that Roosevelt Island is technically part of Manhattan, can someone clarify this for me????? If that is the case, we will smoke on the overpass of the clearview expwy) Edit: Smoke on the overpass of the clearview expressway. Go to Roosevelt island and smoke there, and then hop on the tram, because, why not, it's an island!
Brooklyn: By the Williamsburg Bridge
Staten Island: Our friend will provide with an interesting location
Bronx: Van Courtland Park
Manhattan: Somewhere around 5th ave and then we are going to the Whitney Museum!
If you will be in a borough and would like to join us on our adventure, feel free.
Yes this was a pointless entry, but if you laughed and said YOU CRAZY BITCH or something along those lines, then this entry has served its purpose.
Well, it is a few minutes later and it has just been clarified that roosevelt island is a part of manhattan. That should have been obvious. And if you have any interesting places to suggest in these boroughs, please, feel free!