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Об американской "когнитивной элите"
Apr 30, 2008 10:12
The Ominous, New Cognitive Elite
In the last half century, society has undergone a hidden revolution. Fifty years ago, most of the people in the top few percentiles of the IQ ladder were not college graduates, and those who did go to college usually went to the nearest state college. Today, these most talented American youths not only go to college, but are channeled with astonishing efficiency into a handful of elite universities. Isolated from the rest of society, associating only with their own kind, exposed to a uniform intellectual conventional wisdom about everything from ethics to aesthetics to politics, this new class -- a "cognitive elite" -- has over the same half century moved into positions of influence throughout American society.
Только я сомневаюсь что данная "когнитивная элита" реально умна. Основания сомневаться в умственных способностях и адекватности взгляда на мир этой элиты есть и очень серьёзные.
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