Dec 20, 2008 13:48
...all the heterosexual marriages that have not produced children within a few years of their consummation
...all the heterosexual marriages contracted after one or both parties had become biologically incapable of procreation
...all the heterosexual marriages where one or both partners have taken mechanical means to prevent procreation
...all the heterosexual marriages between people who have clearly stated that they do not intend to have children, and are marrying because they love each other and want each other's company forever
...all the heterosexual marriages where there was no transfer of property, money, or livestock as part of the contract
...all the heterosexual marriages where one or both partners have committed adultery, regardless of how the couple dealt with it
It would be just as mean-spirited as what Ken "Blue Dress" Starr and the Yes on 8 people are up to now. And just as absurd. Eighteen thousand legally-contracted marriages they want to break up. That is just fucking wrong. Thirty-six thousand people who could be forcibly divorced by the state because they love the "wrong" people as defined by people who are no better qualified to define love than anyone else.
To say that this makes me sick and angry is a gross understatement. This makes me want to commit violent acts. As you all know, I have really tried to understand the arguments for 8, I have tried to stay open to their fears and concerns, as little as I understand them. But this: this is so petty and mean I can't see how anyone can continue to defend it.