Mar 30, 2006 13:59
I woke up with a major headache this morning and decided not to go to my 9:30 class. I laid back on the bed and fell back asleep but I think I grew delusional. Seriously.
I dreamt that soon after I decided to skip my class, my family came over to the dorm (my dad, mom and brother) and that I was expecting them for some reason. We were sitting in the dorm talking - in Michelle's room for some reason; maybe in the dream I was still living in Michelle's room. Anyway, they were going to take me out to lunch. My mom asked me "wait, don't you have a class today?" I explained that I had skipped it because I had a headache. My dad gave me a look but the subject was dropped. Then Andrew was explaining that he only had one class on Thursdays and that was at 8am so that's why he could come. And then we went over where we could go to lunch around here. I can't remember where we decided to go but Veronica woke me up just as we were about to leave. I swear that it all seemed so real; I really thought it had happened until I realized that I was still in my pajamas.
I'm thinking the dream may be connected to Andrew's birthday. If he stays at College Park, my parents are taking him out and I'm going to go with them since CP isn't that far away. If he goes home though, I most likely won't be going since there's stuff I have to do this weekend - like seeing Fr. Leo showing us his karate skills on Friday night. Oh, and homework of course.
Angie and I came up with an awesome idea for our group project in Streetwise Spanish. Angie is going to play a Colombian (because she is one, duh) and I'm going to play a Venezuelan and we're going to use slang words from our countries and try to get the other to understand (like cotufas, for example - the Venezuelan word for popcorn). Some words are the same so the other girl in our group is going to be an Argentine and be like "what the heck are you guys talking about?" We thought it was cool. Plus, Angie and I can teach the class words from our respective countries because the book tends to ignore Colombia and Venezuela.
I registered for classes last night. For my last semester here. How strange. I got waitlisted for Moral Theology *grumble grumble* but hopefully I'll complain to Registrars and that'll be fixed.
I went to Jubilee and found some healthy desserts (Weight Watchers Drumsticks and Weight Watchers fudge popsicles). I'm glad I found them because desserts are my weakness since I rarely have any here except pudding. So I typically get unhealthy desserts from the Cafe or from Patriot. It's bad. I'm still stuck on my plateau (probably spelled wrong) of ten pounds. Argh.