One year later...

Nov 25, 2006 08:12

How serendipitous that I randomly check on this outdated vent-hole/friend commenter, and it has been one year since my last post!

One freggin year...

A lot has happened in the past year. I will not bore you by going into the nitty-gritty (try saying that with a British accent), but I feel a quick summary is in order.

I vented in my last post about how I couldn't finish my stupid college essay. Well, it took much longer than I expected... But I got them all in. I currently matriculate at SCU. Yep, that private jesuit school with which I have nothing in common except the religion. I could've gone to Davis, but noooo. I could've gone to SD, but noooo. I could've gone to LA, but - oh wait, I didn't get in! haha

Towards the end of highschool, got quite deep into the world of debate. Not to brag, but Patty and I ended our career at the Intl Championships. Ok, I make it sound like a big deal, but it was more Mckay having connections than us being Intl quality. But I could be being modest... nah.

Ya know? Kevin inspired me to continue with debate. I don't remember what exactly he did, but w/e it was, I ended up spending most of my evenings in the ASB room with SD. I spent so much time... hoping to inspire someone the same way Kevin inspired me. But I failed. Not only did I not inspire anyone, I think (due to my lack or organization) I could have turned people away...

I guess it's not too late to go in and change that. SD is dying right now at fhs. I should go help in anyway I can...

If I can find time outside of the things I have to do for college..

Yep, this whole college thing isn't quite workin out for me. I mean, I love the learning and expanding my knowledge to "become a worthy citizen of the world of academia" part... (i blame philosophy for my incessantly long sentences)... it just that, makin friends has turned to be much harder than expected. I just can't seem to relate to those lifelong private schoolers... I haven't been partying, I haven't been drinking... and since I commute, this might as well be highschool. Well, hopefully things will change... or i'll change to adapt... which ever comes first.

I guess i should be happy that I am going to college. I got it! woooo...

What else? Oh, i've started playing the guitar... well, by playing i mean... picking at random strings.

Yup, until next year my fellow commrades!
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