Sep 15, 2006 19:58
Dear All of my Christian Friends,
Guess what? I have a bombshell piece of news for you. Evolution is real. That's right, I said it. Evolution HAPPENED and I'm sick and damn tired of people saying it didn't. The theory is sound and it holds up to test after test. Hell, we have WATCHED EVOLUTION HAPPEN! Can anybody say, "antibacterial resistance"? That is EVOLUTION IN ACTION, Christians! Do you think the pharmaceutical industry would waste billions upon billions of dollars every year developing newer, stronger antibiotics in this money-driven society of ours if evolution were really some dogmatic and speculative "unproven theory"? Allow me to quote Wikipedia on the evolution "controversy":
"The position of the scientific community is that there is no controversy to teach, that evolution is widely accepted within the scientific community as a valid, well-supported theory and that such disagreements that do exist are about the details of evolution's mechanisms, not the validity of evolution itself."
Who are you really trying to convince, attempting to refute evolution by nitpicking its largely irrelevant details which science will iron out in a few years or so? Scientists and the public? Or yourselves?
Does anybody still think the planets and the sun revolve around the Earth? Exactly. Christians of this nation, it's time to get out of the inquisition and the Dark Ages and get with the science of the 21st century... or if your miniscule and closed mind can't handle that, even the 19th century will do, which is when Darwin first came up with evolution. Time to accept the scientific evidence that is smacking you in the face and GET OVER IT. If you were interpreting the Bible such that you think it says evolution didn't happen, then guess what? YOU WERE WRONG, BITCH! Time to CHANGE your interpretation! Phew.
Don't even get me started on those wackos who honestly think the Earth is 6500 years old or some shit like that.