(no subject)

Dec 09, 2016 20:05

LOL - while I was away, it seems my paid account has expired. So - severe lack of pertinent icons, omg.

England was even more wonderful than I imagined. I know, now, as I've always known, that my heart is there, and now - it is The Quest. To return. To live there. It sounds corny, but my GOD, it called to me - as I knew it would, as it always has. Like the lovely South African, Deone, said on the train, "It's like deja vu - like remembering a place you've never been." And it was. Is. Found that I can rent a half-a-double ('terraced', as they call it) brick house with a front and back garden, fully furnished, for lesssss than what I pay for this horrific shack. Something to think about..

I love Marks and Spencer's, lol.

Three Cureshows IN FIVE DAYS. LOL. Guess there's some life left in this old girl, yet. We became quite adept at navigating the various taxis/train/Tube while we were there - - stayed at the Radisson Inn in Manchester - yessss, the notorious Manchester two-hour show.....Then, the first night at Wembley that paid for all (stayed at the Crescent Inn in Harrow-On-The-Hill)....and then, that last glorious show at Wembley on the third. My GOD. Stayed at the Euro Wembley in, of course, Wembley. We had Club Seating for every show. Unreal. It was filmed, and hopefully will be released SOON. We felt like celebrities - Anita, parading around in The Curejacket ™, and me, 'The American' - just incredible, all of it. People were posting that they'd seen The Jacket - at the shows, in the loo, on the train...LOL I LOVE IT.

And that dear nameless young man from Eastern Europe that just grabbed me and kissed me that third night at Wembley - no language at all was required - - Thank you. It wasn't weird or pervy, it was just utter complete CureJoy, as we'd been high-fiving as we both filmed. For me it was a kiss Goodbye - to the magic that was the Cure, to the miracle that was the entire trip. And entirely appropriate. But not a total, 'Goodbye'...more like, 'See you, again'..

Still speechless over it all. Somehow, I'd forgotten that there still is magic in the world.

I've woken up, again.

gushingbleedingheart, i want to believe, music is what keeps me alive, the cure, you betta werk, teh crazy, it's a quest now, happy

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