Title: A is for Acquiesce 1/?
Pairing: Cara/Kahlan
Rating: NC-17 (sex and bad language
Disclaimer: Not mine, I own nothing...literally nothing
A/N: Written with the help of
browneyed813, please enjoy. Comments are love people!
A is for apple. B is for ball. C is for cry. D is for dog. E is for egg. F is for fail. G is for girls. H is for hot. I is for isolation. J is for joke. K is for kiss. M is for mats. N is for nuts. O is for ordinary. P is for perfect. Q is for queen. R is for rat. S is for snake. T is for tail. U is for umbrella. V is for vile. W is for want. X is for xylophone. Z is for zoo.
A is for apoplectic. Anger. Overcome with.
B is banal. Lacking originality. Obvious. Boring.
C is for cunninlingus. Teeth. Tongue. Pussy.
D is for Denna. Woman. Friend. Comrade.
Stop. Rewind. C is for Cara. Queen bee. Cheerleader. Reason my hand rarely leaves my pants.
Now skip to N. N is for never. Going. To. Happen.
Stalk the halls. No, not stalk. Sounds wrong. Almost too close to the truth.
I wander the halls. Back pack secured. Full. Shoes thudding out a rhythm. Eyes on the ground. One foot in front of the other. Just one foot in front of the other. Nearly there.
Second floor girl’s room. Only used during classes. Too far from the lunch room. What passes for civilisation in this place.
Grit my teeth and look. Stare into the mirror. All alone. I allow myself a moment. Internal pep talk. Geek chique may be in, but even that doesn’t help. Not here. Not now. Maybe next Fall. In some distant college. That fantastical foreign land. Shining light in the dark of high school. Keep your head down. Make it until then.
Appraise myself. Not ugly. Not unattractive. Just unnoticed. Hidden. Glasses, plaid and a bomber jacket will do that. Accompany that with jeans and skate shoes. A decent work ethic and you are suddenly invisible. Just want to be visible. Just once. Just to her. For a second. But noticed isn’t always good. Stay below the radar. Stay quiet.
Bell rings. Shattering my thoughts. Straighten myself out. Reach for the door. Shake it off. And keep your head down.
Two minutes later you remember why. Why it’s so important you stay invisible. A group of cheerleaders. Surrounding a wounded gazelle. A geek. A nerd. Outcast. Lesser being. Taunting. Humiliating.
Want to stop it. Know it’s wrong. But mouth is dry. Tongue a lump of meat. Useless and lifeless.
Avert your eyes. Carry on. Maybe tomorrow you’ll be different. Braver. Maybe tomorrow they’ll be different. Humane.
Catch sight of her as you pass. No orchestrated symphonies play in my head. No choir of angels. Bright lights or slow mo. Just her. Uniform perfect. Hair perfect. Know she’d smell perfect. If you were closer.
Will myself to look at the ground. The lockers. Anything. Before she notices. Before someone sees.
Too late.
She looks my way. And smiles. That smile.
And she’s walking towards me. Gliding. And her lips are on mine. Pressing me back. Soft. So soft. The hardness of the lockers at my back. Sex. Hands grasping. Pulling at clothes. Unbuttoning my pants. And moving aside my underwear.
And her hand is where I need it. Pressing. Rubbing. Circling. Hips buck. Eyes close. Moaning. Gasping. Panting.
And she’s pushing me closer. Close.
So close.
And then. And then I’m falling. Off the chair. Hit the floor. Phone buzzing.
Growl lowly and remove my hand. Wipe it quickly on my jeans. Grab my phone and tap out a response to Denna. Mutter under my breath. Right the chair. Sit back down at the desk.
A sigh escapes. A moment passes. Then two. Contemplate continuing. Finishing. Stare at the computer screen. Finish my homework instead. Another night at home. Another night alone. Another night of frustration.
Just another night. Just another day.
She speaks. Of course she speaks. I’ve heard her speak before. But never to me. Directed at me.
Hand on my shoulder I turn. Face to face. That smile of hers lighting up the corridor. And for a moment I wonder if I’m back in my bed room. But then her mouth opens and words fall out. She’s never spoken in my fantasies. Never gotten that far.
I can see her mouth moving. Hear odd words. Chemistry. Failing. Tutor. Nod mindlessly. Her smile brightens further. More words. Something. My place. Later. More nodding. And just like that she turns and leaves. Still stand there. Staring. Clueless. I have no idea what I’ve agreed to. No idea what just happened.
And then Denna’s hand is waving in front of my face. Voice breaks my revere. She tugs on my arm. Trail after her. Towards some place. Some room. Where some vague figure speaks meaningless words.
Spend the whole lesson staring out the window. Trying to work it out. To recall. To glean. What exactly the conversation was about. What I agreed to.
Bell rings. Still none the wiser. Grab my bag. Walk blindly to my locker. Open it. Remove my books.
Grab my keys. Wander to the car park. Avert my eyes as I notice her. Walking to her car. Throw my bag in the back seat. Flop down behind the wheel. Start the engine. Music blares. Some song. By some tween. About some drivel.
Turn it down, move out. Drive straight home. Try to concentrate. Focus on the road.
Five minutes. That’s how long it takes. Before I notice. There’s a car following me. And I know that car. That green. The same as her eyes. Swallow hard. Shit.
Pull up. Park. Look in the mirror. Straighten my hair. Shit.
Climb out. Act natural. Relax. Fuck, don’t forget to breathe.
She steps out. Grabbing her bag in a fluid movement. Glides over. Exchange formalities. Move towards the house.
Breathe. Fuck. Breathe.
She indicates her bag. A place to change?
The world goes black.
Fuck. I forgot to breathe.