Fic: Make Me Want To DIe (Cara/Kahlan)

Feb 08, 2011 21:24

Title: Make Me Want To Die.
Pairing: Cara/Kahlan
Rating: PG-13 for mentions of sexyteims.
Disclaimer. I own nothing, its not mine. Heck I dont even own my soul!
A/N: Another short fic written as an alternate for legendland bb alt. This one was inspired by The PRetty Reckless Song of the same name.
Summary: Cara would die for Kahlan...

I would die for her. She knows I would kill for her. But this secret I keep hidden. Somehow darker. More dangerous.

And it would be so easy. To take an arrow for her. Piercing my chest. Stopping my heart. As she does. Or to block the arc of a sword. Deflecting it from marring perfect skin.

But that is not how I would choose. These things I would do. Without a moments pause. In defence of her. The line of duty. What must be done. To serve and protect.

My way is in her eyes. Those eyes so bright. That hold my soul in their gaze. Make my heart beat. Passions rage. The windows to her being. So pure. Shining.

To see them swirl. With darker purpose. On the battle field. To bring a man to his knees. With nothing but a touch. Or late at night. Alone in our bed. Every time. I am captivated by them.

Irises contracting. Face free from restraint. Body taut. And black consumes blue. As her magic could my soul. As I wish it would.

To show me all the things I long to know. Make me feel the light. TO be so close to it. But not to feel its warmth. A blind man looking at the sun. I wish to comprehend. Understand. Know love. The these things she speaks of. With such reverence. Deference.

They would be worth the pain. Worth dying for.

I have done so many things. Experienced a thousand acts. Ashamed of none. Regretting too many. But this that she talks of. Late at night. Whilst the air cools our naked skin. Before the night claims us as its own. And sleep threatens to consume tired minds and aching limbs. With such joy. Words laced with something more.

And then she looks at me. Describes the unstoppable force. The immovable object. The essence of an abstract idea. Made whole somehow. At least for a moment.

And I drift off. To the sound of her voice. Whispering fairytales in my ear. Dream of things I should not dream of. Wake wishing for things I should not wish for. With her in my arms. Those moments seem like eternity. Watching her sleep softly. Thinking only of this. What it is. What I long for it to be. For her.

She wakes slowly. Shifts slightly. But does not move from the circle of my arms. Leans further into me. Sweet kisses quickly heated. Limbs readily entangle. Hands here. Mouths there. Moving in perfect union. Our private rhythm.

The moment soon arrives. The eternal internal debate. As her moans rise. Muscles tense. Fingers clench sheets. Desperate. As blue is replaced. When I am meant to move. Wait a little longer each time. Tempting fate. Pushing her further. Risking everything. Just to feel her.

I look inside her eyes. Watch them changing. And I cannot move. They have me. I am lost to them. To her.

Send out a silent prayer. As she reaches the edge. All barriers are broken. As my world goes black.

fanfiction, cara/kahlan

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