Want to watch a new anime, but don't want to do it alone? Want to rewatch an old favorite, and maybe introduce a new fan to it? Would you love to have someone to come along for the ride in watching a show? Then you've come to the right place!
Watch With Me! is a meme to help anime fans find others to watch shows with them. Whether you're up for anything, just into a certain genre, or just don't want to watch that scary-looking anime alone. It's always nice to have someone to talk and flail with, right?
Just a few ground rules.
♔ No wank. At all. If someone wants to watch Boku no Pico, then by all means, that's their right. If you're not into that, move onto the next comment. Following this, if there's something you really don't want to watch/aren't interested in, post it in your comment. That's what it's there for. It'll help everyone and you.
♔ The more the better! You don't need to write an essay for your comment, but try not to be vague either. You and your watching partner will have more fun that way!
Fill this out!
Name: (… I hope you know how to do this.)
Preferred Messenger: (This is so potential partners know what they need to contact you with to watch things.)
Favorite Genre: (Are you an action fan? Romantic sap?)
Favorite Anime: (Again, just your favorite anime(s) here. Try not to put more than 3-5.)
Into Movies?: (Would you like to watch one-shot anime movies, or movies for the series?)
How Much at a Time?: (When you watch something with someone, do you want to watch one episode? Ten? Blast through something in a week, or have a few months for long series?)
Short or Long Series?: (Do you want to watch something 13 episodes long, 115, or do you like a nice medium?)
New or Old: (Do you have a preference as to what kinds of anime you watch? Do you only want to see things that're from 2000+, or things from the 80's/90's?)
Sub or Dub?: (Will you only watch subs/only watch dubs, or only watch specific series in sub/sub format?)
Want to Watch: (What series have you wanted to watch/get through?)
Will Not Watch/Not Interested: (Is there anything you just don't want to watch/aren't interested in?)
Rewatch?: (Do you want to rewatch old series or old favorites, or just stick to watching things that are completely new?)
One Night Stand/In it for the Long Haul: (Do you want to just watch a series or two with someone, or do you want to watch things with them over an extended period of time?)
Anything Else?: Anything else you'd like to add?
http://oi52.tinypic.com/of51c9.jpg" _fcksavedurl="http://oi52.tinypic.com/of51c9.jpg">