[Colors TCG Logs]

May 01, 2010 12:07


Joined the TCG! Recieved Eyes 10, Money 16, Nerd 08, Money 13, Asobot 11, Asobot 02, Erokappa 18 and Erokappa 18 for Starter Pack.


Took Arrogant 01, Erokappa 17, Fashion 01, Information 05, Monocle 01, Priest 01, Rock 01, and Violence 05 from Freebies.

Recieved Monocle 19 and Optimist 05 from replying to my sign-up comment.


Traded Norkia Violence 05 for Phones 09.

Traded Kuri Nerd 08 for Monocle 11.

Traded Chuu Optimist 05 for Monocle 15.

Recieved Loveless 01 for my Persocom deck donation.


Recieved Information 03, Priest 01, Zura 08, Brave 19, Rose 06, Boxer 09, Erokappa 18, and Erokappa 02 for my starter deck.

Recieved Achoo 01, Spear 03, Smile 01, and Phones 13 for referrals.

Traded Kuri Asobot 11 for Monocle 20.

Took Ace Pilot 08, from Freebies.

Traded Norkia Information 05 and Ace Pilot 08 for Phones 08 and Erokappa 14.


Traded stillarium Brave 19 and Loveless 01 for Record 16 and Magical 05.

Traded angel_of_faith Rose 06 for Magical 14.

Recieved Ace Pilot 08, Raven 08, Stapler 18, Temper 10, Operator 13, Record 08, Magical 20, and Persocom 16 from Deck Freebies.

Traded mongoosehwrs Raven 08 for Persocom 08.

Traded ratiosu Stapler 18 for Persocom 05.

Traded mirajane Temper 10 for Magical 10.

Traded algorithmrondo Operator 13 for Magical 01.


Recieved Nerd 04 and Pitcher 06 from Poke Radar.

Recieved Prince 02, Chaos 20, and Charm 09 from Neku's Music Station.

Traded farsketched Chaos 20 for Magical 15.

Traded chuukoku Eyes 10 for Erokappa 03.

Traded whimsykitsune Smile 01 for Persocom 02.


Recieved Veda 18 and Smile 12 from Conan's Clues.

Recieved Nerd 18, Prince 02, and Persocom 17 from Miria and Isaac's Costume Party.

Recieved Memories 12, Violin 14, and a Red Crayon from Ryoga's Directions.

Recieved Magical 10 and Violence 13 from Guess the Color.

Traded slashed_dream Information 05 for Monocle 16.

Traded whimsykistune Smile 12 for Fashion 11.

Traded whimsykitsune Signature Cards.


Traded Sakusha Magical 10 for Rock 10, Memories 12 for Record 18, and Signature Cards.

Traded Aletha Nerd 04 for Fashion 08.

Traded Kuri Pitcher 06 for Magical 03.

Recieved Monocle 09, Duality 14, and a Blue Crayon from my first Sketchpad.

Recieved Assassin 20, Phones 19, and Shadow 17 from Crosswords.

Recieved Otaku 14 and Beloved 16 from Host Club Giveaway.

Recieved Detective 07, Kira 05, and Cigarettes 02 from Neku's Music Station.


Recieved Dynames 09, Sin 08, Otaku 16, and Five 17 from Graffiti.

Recieved Heart 06, Phones 18, and Duality 10 from Poke Radar.

Recieved Drugs 17, Loyalty 15, Kind 07, Kid 02, Chaos 12, and a Orange Crayon from Beauty Pagent.

Traded stillarium Prince 02 for Monocle 12.

Traded farsketched Kira 05 for Fashion 16.

Traded Norkia Violence 13 and Duality 14 for Persocom 11 and Persocom 19.


Recieved Record 16, Smoker 16, Chupa 10, Doll 05, and a Grey Crayon from Crossword.

Recieved Goggles 11 from Pick a Color.

Recieved Money 02, Logic 04, and a Yellow Crayon from Seiyuu Guess.

Traded Sakusha Goggles 11, Otaku 14, and Otaku 16 for Persocom 03, Fashion 20, and Phones 01.

Traded Aletha Sin 08 and Kind 07 for Priest 09 and Persocom 10.

Traded disutansu Beloved 16 for Monocle 04.

Traded nyarmar Boxer 09 for Fashion 19.

Traded algorithmrondo Duality 10 for Rock 03.

Traded slashed_dream Assassin 20 for Persocom 07.


Traded Norkia Logic 04 and Loyalty 15 for Phones 07 and Rock 15.

Traded moon_wolfwriter Violin 14 for Priest 07.

Traded carnimirie Kid 02 for Rock 11.

Traded sakusha Chupa 10 for Monocle 03.

Traded algorithmrondo Heart 06 for Erokappa 12.

Recieved Chat 04 and Swimming 13 from Guess the Color.

Recieved Shadow 14, Julia 11, and Assassin 07 from Neku's Music Station.

Recieved Jokes 18 and Trigger 10 from Poke Radar.

Recieved Persocom 19 and Traitor 11 from Guess the Color.

Recieved Bungee 12 and Eccentric 16 from Conan's Clues.

Recieved Fashion 20 from Miria and Issac's Costume Party.


Recieved Cigarettes 15, Cigarettes 01, and a Blue Crayon for turning in my second Sketchpad.

Traded mirajane Assassin 07 and Shadow 14 for Arrogant 15 and Priest 11.

Traded caitirin Eccentric 16 for Monocle 06.

Traded eternalkanda Traitor 11, Prince 02, and Shadow 17 for Erokappa 06, Priest 13, and Rock 02.

Traded stillarium Bungee 12 for Phones 04.


Traded slashed_dream Jokes 18 for Otaku 20.

Traded Aletha Smoker 16 for Monocle 10.

Traded staticphase Fashion 20 for Fog 07.

Traded Sakusha Otaku 20 for Erokappa 08.

Traded Norkia a Blue Crayon, Yellow Crayon, and Fog 07 for Monocle 05, Persocom 01, Persocom 04, Priest 14, and Rock 17.

Traded sine_sapienti Cigarettes 15 for Rock 13.

Recieved Stapler 20, Flame 07, and Five 07 from Crossword.

Recieved Jokes 20 and Pentagram 07 from Host Club Giveaway.

Recieved Doll 05, Temper 14, and Spear 01 from Grafitti.

Recieved Revenge 02, Maid 01, Pentagram 18, and Drugs 01 from Beauty Pagent.


Traded chatiel Spear 01 for Record 05.

Traded angel_of_faith Pentagram 07 for Erokappa 07.

Traded carnimirie Five 07, Five 17, and Swimming 13 for Priest 20, Fashion 10, and Phones 12.


Recieved Persocom 04, Rose 14, Monocle 14, and a Purple Crayon for Leveling Up.

Recieved Veda 04, Alien 06, and a Yellow Crayon for my third Sketchpad.


Recieved Five 20 and Shadow 01 from Recycled Art.

Recieved Operator 08 and Doll 10 from voting for Akai-san.

Recieved Witch 05 from Miria and Issac's Costume Party.

Recieved Mamushi 06 and Fullmetal 07 from Ryoga's Directions.

Traded sparkism Record 16 for Priest 05.

Traded staticphrase Drugs 01 and Dynames 09 for Rock 19 and Monocle 18.


Recieved Erokappa 05 as a Choice Card for reaching over 50 members.

Recieved Automail 05, Zephyr 08, Engineer 13, Civilian 13, Aniue 15, Bubbly 04, Dhampir 02, and Flash 01 for my freebies.

Recieved Chat 15, Bandages 04, Onmyouji 08, and a Purple Crayon for my birthday.

Traded ratiosu Civilian 13 and Engineer 13 for Rock 04 and Monocle 13.

Traded Aletha Automail 05 for a Green Crayon.

Traded Norkia Zephyr 08 for Priest 17.

Traded chuukoku Operator 08, Stapler 20, and Witch 05 for Priest 06, Rock 05, and Priest 08.

Traded whimsykitsune Aniue 15 for Rock 14.

Traded carnimirie Bubbly 04 for Erokappa 19.

Traded kikai7 Dhampir 02 for Monocle 02.

Traded chikky2k5 Flash 01 for Monocle 08.

Traded mirajane Shadow 01 and Temper 14 for Arrogant 20 and Phones 10.

Traded Money 02 to Switch It Up for Priest 03.

Traded exceeded Trigger 10 for Monocle 17.

Traded a Green Crayon for Monocle 07.

Traded angel_of_faith Pentagram 18 for Fashion 05.

Traded Aletha Detective 07 for Erokappa 13, and a Red Crayon for a Grey one.


Recieved Arrogant 15, Spoiled 06, Erokappa 20, and a Yellow Crayon for Mastering Monocle.

Recieved Fashion 16, Alias 01, and a Gray Crayon for handing in my 4th Sketchpad.

Recieved Persocom 05 and Headband 08 Poke Radar.

Traded farsketched Fullmetal 07 for Record 15.

Traded norkia Chat 15 for Persocom 15.


Traded raitosu Veda 18 for Phones 11, and 3 Grey Crayons for a Red, Orange, and Brown one.

Traded sakusha Magical 20 for Arrogant 16 and Fashion 14.

Traded lucathia_rykatu Rose 14 for Rock 16.

Recieved Detective 05 and Information 12 from Guess the Color.

Recieved Literature 19, Cain 18, and Smoker 18 from Graffiti.

Recieved Trainer 12, Sky Pirate 16, and Glass 17 from Beauty Pagent.

Recieved Trainer 17 from Pick a Color.

Recieved Cabbage 18 and Keyblade 07 from Seiyuu Guess.

Recieved Spear 18 and Prince 02 from Poke Radar.

Recieved Council 11, Secret 16, Fullmetal 04, and a Yellow Crayon from Crossword.

Recieved Cabbage 01 and Jealousy 14 from Guess the Color.


Recieved Five 05 and Chat 03 from Conan's Clues.

Recieved Cabbage 03 and Flame 02 from Poke Radar.

Traded whimsykitsune Spoiled 06 and Literature 19 for Rock 20 and Record 14.

Traded farsketched Fullmetal 04 for Magical 09.

Traded chikky2k5 Flame 02 for Phones 02.

Traded konimi Cabbage 03 for Rock 06.


Traded algorithmrondo Information 12 for Arrogant 14.

Recieved Dynames 03 and Twin Star 20 from Recycled Art.

Recieved Duality 05 and Drugs 06 from Guess the Color.

Traded konimi Drugs 06 for Priest 18.

Traded sakusha Doll 10 for Priest 12.


Traded vriska Chat 03, Chat 04, Drugs 17, and Revenge 02 for Magical 16, Phones 20, Fashion 15, and Arrogant 12.

Traded delite Jokes 20, two Purple Crayons, and an Orange Crayon for Rabbit 05, 09, 12, and 19.

Traded mirajane Nerd 18 for Peach 08.


Recieved Automail 01 and Natsuo 16 from Host Club Giveaway.

Traded warsex Trainer 17 for Rabbit 18.


Recieved Aniue 02 and Kunst 16 from Miria and Issac's Costume Party.

Recieved Assassin 06, Persocom 07, and an Orange Crayon for my 5th Sketchpad.

Traded algorithmrondo Cabbage 01 for Record 12.

Traded megchan87 Maid 01 for Peach 19.

Traded kikai7 Kunst 16 for Priest 02.


Traded stillarium Sky Pirate 16 for Arrogant 13.

Recieved Asobot 18 and Chat 16 from Art Lessons With Rukia.

Recieved Erokappa 17 from Go Fish.

Traded distansu Smoker 18 for Arrogant 09.

Recieved Twin Star 10, Veda 14, Maou 05, Duality 06, and a Yellow Crayon from Beauty Pagent.

Recieved Tuxedo 12, Devoted 07, Civilian 11, and Morning 13 from Graffiti.

Recieved Friendship 07 and Snake 20 from Guess the Color.

Recieved Council 05 and Goggles 09 from Recycled Art.

Traded neurotripsy a Brown Crayon for a Yellow One.

Traded raitosu a Red Crayon for a Yellow One.

Traded Yellow Crayons for Priest 04, Priest 10, Priest 15, Priest 16, and Priest 19.

Traded mongooshwrs Maou 05 and Friendship 07 for Erokappa 11 and Magical 07.

Traded spinningstyle Morning 13 for Peach 01.


Recieved Secret 02, Persocom 05, Eyes 10, and a Purple Crayon for my Moe Deck Donation.

Recieved Twin Star 16, Friendship 03, Erokappa 15, and a Purple Crayon for Mastering Priest.

Recieved Ducati 14, Castle 15, and Coffee 18 from Crossword.

Recieve Cynical 08, S.O.S. 08, Doctor 08, Pal 09, Wine 16, Tiger 19, Hime 16, and Mirage 02 from the new deck release.

Traded flag Doctor 08 for Cynical 01.

Traded camelia Pal 09 for S.O.S. 05.

Traded mongoosehwrs Wine 16 for S.O.S. 07

Traded fire_senshi Mirage 02 for Rabbit 08.

Traded chuukoku Tiger 19 for Phones 16.

Traded lazuliprince Hime 16 for Cynical 05.

Traded blue_fox_girl Persocom 07 for Cynical 10.


Traded distansu a Purple Crayon for a Red Crayon.

Traded stillarium a Purple and Orange Crayon for two Red Crayons.

Recieved Slave 08, Smell 12, Erokappa 01, and a Red Crayon for Leveling Up.

Traded three Red Caryons in for Erokappa 04, 09, and 10.


Recieved Kunst 18, Disaster 16, Rock 18, and an Orange Crayon for Mastering Erokappa.

Recieved Snake 15 and Erhu 15 from Art Lessons with Rukia.

Traded sheatemybrain Erokappa 18 for Rabbit 11.

Traded whimsykitsune Erhu 15 for Record 02.


Traded orechibisama Cigarettes 02 and Detective 05 for Dawn 13 and Otaku 06.

Traded whimsykitsune Devoted 07 for Record 11.

Traded kidalana Council 11 for Rock 08.

Traded lucathia_rykatu Assassin 06 for Fashion 04.

Recieved Dynames 03 and Prince 13 from Guess the Color.

Recieved Boxer 11 from Pick a Color.

Recieved Lionheart 02 and Civilian 14 from Recycled Art.


Recieved Automail 05 and Onmyouji 14 from voting for Mikan-tan.

Recieved Sukonbue 10, Uranus 15, and Popular 05 from Reading Between the Lines.

Recieved Operator 10 and Waitress 05 from Host Club Giveaway.

Recieved Asobot 16 and Cetra 11 from Poke Radar.

Recieved Maou 02, Zanza 17, and Sensei 07 from Grafitti.

Recieved Traitor 11, Key 12, and Mirage 11 from Beauty Pagent.

Recieved Drugs 01, Duality 01, and a Blue Crayon for my sixth Sketchpad.

Recieved Fashion 16, and 0 18 from Art Lessons with Rukia.

Recieved Dance 12 and Cabbage 18 from Seiyuu Guess.

Traded piraskel Automail 01 for Fashion 03.

Traded mongoosehwrs Friendship 03 for S.O.S. 12.

Traded chuukoku Duality 06 for Fashion 02.

Traded flag Civilian 11 for Cynical 13.

Traded farsketched Automail 05 for Persocom 13.


Traded farsketched Traitor 11 for S.O.S. 20.


Recieved Shadow 12, Violin 14, Kind 18, and Jokes 01 from Poke Radar.

Recieved Key 08 and Friendship 14 from Seiyuu Guess.

Recieved Aniue 20, Kalina 18, and Cetra 06 from Isaac and Miria's Costume Party.

Recieved Secret 06, Hero 19, Mako 10 and a Yellow Crayon for my Yuki Deck Donation.

Recieved Ragnell 03, Cheer 01, and Shark 04 from Reading Between the Lines.

Traded ludwig Waitress 05 for Phones 15.

Traded mirajane Boxer 11 and Sensei 07 for Arrogant 18 and Arrogant 19.

Traded rhap_chan Uranus 15 for Magical 13.

Traded mongooshwrs Duality 01 for Peach 15.


Recieved Obstinate 01 and Dynames 07 from Art Lessons with Rukia.

Traded sheatemybrain Persocom 04 for Rabbit 10.

Traded whimsykitsune Mirage 11 for Mako 06.


Traded farsketched Shark 04 for Record 07.

Traded moonka Slave 08 for Rabbit 17.

Recieved Takoyaki 13, Softball 18, Violence 13, and Bronco 12 from Conan's Clues.

Recieved Information 03 and Goggles 06 from Isaac and Miria's Costume Party.


Recieved Bubbly 20 and Angel 03 from Guess the Color.

Recieved Rubber 18, Dance 03, Rookie 11, and Izanagi 19 from Beauty Pagent.

Recieved Spaz 17, Uranus 17, Beloved 20, Beloved 14, and Moe 20 from Graffiti.

Traded flag Key 08 and Key 12 for Fashion 18 and Peach 03.

Traded megchan87 Bronco 12 for Cynical 18.

Traded chuukoku Izanagi 19 for a Brown Crayon.

Traded mongooshwrs Dynames 07 for S.O.S. 19.

Recieved Knightmare 03, Kalina 07 and a Yellow Crayon for my seventh Sketchpad.

Traded in a Brown Crayon for Rock 12.


Traded mongooshwrs a Blue Crayon for a Brown one.

Traded neurotripsy a Blue Crayon for a Red one.

Traded sparkism Angel 03 for Fashion 13.

Traded chuukoku an Orange Crayon for a Brown one.

Traded in two Brown Crayons for Rock 07 and Rock 09.

Recieved Smell 13 and Cynical 03 from Shadow Watching with Shikamaru.

Traded flag Veda 14 for Cynical 14.


Recieved Fashion 09 from the Deck Release freebie.

Recieved Data 15, Stubborn 06, High Jump 10, B-Rabbit 01, Question 20, Tiny 03, Armor 10, Baseball 14, and Ousaka 03 from the new Deck Release.

Traded farksketched Tiny 03 for Data 05.

Traded lazuliprince High Jump 10 for Data 10.

Traded spinningstyle B-Rabbit 01 for Data 01.

Traded camelia Question 20 for Data 08.

Traded mongoosehwrs Armor 10 for Data 19.

Traded algorithmrondo Baseball 14 for Data 12.

Traded norkia Stubborn 06 for Data 16.

Traded moon_wolfwriter Friendship 14, Kind 18, and Violence 13 for Dawn 19, Moe 05, and Moe 16.

Traded delite Hero 19 for Cynical 07.

Traded whimsykitsune Spaz 17 for Mako 18.

Traded conversated Chat 12 for Arrogant 07.

Recieved Chat 12, Ragnell 13, and Zura 03 from Seiyuu Guess.

Recieved King 18, Pistol 09, and Sadist 17 from Neku's Music Station.

Recieved Mayonnaise 08 and Keyblade 08 from Art Lessons with Rukia.

Recieved Arrogant 04 and Pentagram 20 from Host Club Giveaway.

Recieved Zanza 15, Zephyr 11, Magical 08, and an Orange Crayon from Mastering Rock.


Recieved Heart 02, Automail 07, Fashion 06, and a Brown Crayon for Leveling Up.

Traded orechibisama King 18 for Ousaka 10.

Traded stillarium Sadist 17 and Mayonnaise 08 for Cynical 04 and Cynical 15.

Traded mongoosehwrs Bubbly 20 for Arrogant 10.

Recieved Tonfar 09, Rival 14, and a Green Crayon for my eighth Sketchpad.


Recieved Galaxy 04 and Trumpet 05 from Guess the Color.

Recieved America 11, Otaku 01, and Delinquent 15 from Reading Between the Lines.

Recieved Hime 08 and Hornet 17 from Shadows with Shikamaru.

Traded flag Smell 13 for Rabbit 01.

Traded raitosu Money 16 for Bell 03.

Traded spinningstyle Castle 15 and Hime 08 for Record 20 and Rabbit 06.


Traded Arrogant 15 to Crazy Colors and recieved Shugo 03 and Gamble 06.

Traded Money 13 to Crazy Colors and recieved

Recieved Erhu 08 and Smile 06 from Art Lessons with Rukia.

Recieved Clueless 19 and Ace Pilot 01 from Recycled Art.

Traded shinshi America 11 for Persocom 14.

Traded rhap_chan Uranus 17 for Dawn 05.

Traded mongoosehwrs Popular 05 for Skateboard 01.

Traded shinshi a Green Crayon for an Orange One.


Traded flag Coffee 18 and Cabbage 18 for S.O.S. 16 and Moe 19.

Traded lucathia_rykatu Natsuo 16 for Arrogant 17.

Recieved Chainsaw 08 and Amulet 13 from Crazy Colors.

Recieved Oracle 19 and Dragon 17 from Guess the Color.

Recieved Chaos 06 and Data 19 from Conan's Clues.

Recieved Zanza 13, Flower 17, and S.O.S. 07 from Miria and Isaac's Costume Party.

Recieved High Jump 02, Drum 17, and B-Rabbit 20 from Ryoga's Directions.

Recieved Sukonbu 01 and Cheer 20 from Guess the Color.

Recieved Foul 19 and Third 10 from Shadow Watching with Shikamaru.

Recieved Witch 05 and Lionheart 12 from voting for Kou-kun.


Traded ludwig B-Rabbit 20 for Arrogant 02.

Traded kombits Charm 09 for S.O.S. 15.

Traded stopping Twinstar 10 for Arrogant 08.

Traded mongoosehwrs Ero-Cook 06 for Magical 17.

Traded piraskel Automail 07 for S.O.S. 18.

Recieved Esper 15 and Toran 17 from Poke Radar.

Recieved Timber Owl 10 and Brat 01 from Poke Radar.

Recieved Ero-Cook 06, Chupa 15, World 19, Adore 04, and a Grey Crayon from Beauty Pagent.

Recieved Dawn 01, Dawn 12, and Dawn 18 from Recycled Art.

Recieved Twenty One 10, Professor 13, and Howl 13 from Seiyuu Guess.

Traded algorithmrondo Third 10 for Dawn 04.

Traded shinshi Chainsaw 08 for Dawn 17.

Recieved PMS 12, Japan 15, and a Yellow Crayon for my ninth Sketchpad.

Traded piraskel Foul 19 for Cynical 19.

Traded oriharas Information 03 for S.O.S. 06.

Traded ouji_tan Keyblade 08 for High Jump 19.

Traded mongoosehwrs Doll 05 for Arrogant 03.

Traded kirkland Rookie 11 for Arrogant 03.

Recieved Japan 17 and Sigmund 13 from Pot of Gold.

Traded shinshi Japan 15 for Skateboard 16.

Traded whimsykitsune Professor 13 for High Jump 11.

Traded lazuliprince Snake 15 for Cynical 12.


Recieved Lion 12 and Adore 04 from Host Club Giveaway.

Recieved Taciturn 11 and Oblivious 20 from Isaac and Miria's Costume Contest.

Recieved Sensei 04, Honest 07, and Rebel 20 from Between the Lines.

Recieved Coordinator 06 and Otaku 19 from Shadow Watching with Shikamaru.

Traded shinshi Japan 17 for Dawn 03.

Traded exponible Onmyouji 14 for Fashion 07.

Traded crisps Honest 07 for PMS 02.

Traded mongoosehwrs Delinquent 15 for Fashion 17.

Traded konimi Drums 17 for Phones 05.


Traded in a Red Crayon for Fashion 12.

Traded Lionheart 02 to Crazy Colors and recieved After 20 and Oblivious 12.

Traded blue_fox_girl Council 05 for Bell 08.

Recieved Directions 20 and Vermouth 04 from Pokeradar.

Recieved Tuxedo 04, Raven 07, Revolver 18, Bloody Rose 09, and a Brown Crayon from Beauty Pagent.

Recieved Scar 02, Contract 08, Eyes 07, and Data 01 from Pick a Color.

Traded ludwig Moe 19 and Moe 20 for Peach 16 and Mako 02.

Traded mirajane Secret 06 and Secret 16 for Data 06 and Dawn 16.

Traded chikky2k5 Shugo 03 for S.O.S. 14.

Traded shinshi Contract 08 for Skateboard 19.


Recieved Lotus 02, Hyper 17, Berserker 13, Hunter 10, Fate 10, South Italy 08, Intelligent 06, and Manager 11 from the new Deck Release.

Recieved Novel 15 and Asobot 08 from Shadow Watching with Shikamaru.

Recieved Masamune 14, Data 01, and an Orange Crayon from turning in my tenth Sketchpad.

Traded staticphrase Disaster 16 for Arrogant 05.

Recieved Kekkai 07, Honest 14, and Zangetsu 08 from Recycled Art.

Recieved Five 08 and Kunst 02 from completeing the Red Task in Pot of Gold.

Traded konimi Taciturn 11 for Dawn 08.

Traded chikky2k5 a Gray crayon for a Red one.

Traded vriska Coordinator 06 and Rival 14 for Cynical 16 and Phones 17.

Recieved Castle 08, Spy 01, Magical 12, and a Green Crayon for Mastering Fashion.

Recieved Channel 11, Operator 09, and Wired 07 from Neku's Music Station.

Recieved Fullmetal 07, Beloved 04, and Bandages 05 from Ryouga's Directions.

Traded stillarium South Italy 08 for Manager 13.

Traded neurotripsy Hyper 17 for Manager 07.

Traded angel_of_faith Tuxedo 12 for Skateboard 13.

Recieved Coordinator 08 and Eccentric 09 from Guess the Color.

Recieved Junk 19 and Dragon 05 from Spare Parts.

Recieved Hahi 17 and Coordinator 03 from Conan's Clues.

Recieved Honest 02, Honest 14, and Honest 20 from Recycled Art.

Traded flag Beserker 13, Tuxedo 04, and Uranus 17 for Manager 09, Magical 20, and Record 04.

Traded disko99dolly skateboard 01 for Rabbit 04.

Traded mongoosehwrs Three Yellow Crayons for two Purple and one Brown, and Fate 10 for Manager 17.

Traded stillarium Dance 03 and Dance 12 for Phones 14 and S.O.S. 02.

Traded ludwig Hunter 10 for Esper 16.

Traded ouji_tan Maou 02 and Priest 01 for Phones 14 and Peach 02.

Traded in Prince 02, Prince 13, Persocom 05, Data 01, Adore 04, Asobot 18, Asobot 02, Arrogant 03, and Dynames 03 to the Art Studio for Arrogant 11, Phones 03, and Phones 06.

Recieved Ninja 02, Nagi 05, Arrogant 06, and a Gray Crayon for Leveling Up.


Traded sparkism Castle 08, Cluesless 19, and Eccentric 09 for Manager 17, Peach 05, and Peach 20.

Traded moon_wolfwriter Fullmetal 07 and Fate 05 for PMS 06 and Record 09.

Traded mongoosehwrs Sensei 04 for Dawn 20.

Traded lazuliprince my Gray Crayon for Persocom 18.

Traded whimsykitsune Ninja 02 for Manager 05.

Traded shinshi a Purple Crayon for High Jump 18.

Traded farksketched Howl 13 for Mako 15.

Traded 00zags Dragon 17 for Manager 01.

Recieved Drugs 16, Friendship 07, Magical 06, Fangs 04, Spy 01, Magical 18, a Yellow Crayon, and a Brown Crayon from Mastering Arrogant and Phones.

Recieved Izanagi 09 and Fate 05 from Host Club Giveaway.

Recieved Council 17 and Vermouth 20 from Shadow Watching With Shikamaru.

Recieved Onmyouji 14, Short 18, and Starfish 13 from Reading Between the Lines.

Traded oriharas Chat 16 for Record 17.


Traded shinshi a Yellow Crayon for Manager 20.

Traded maya_chu Raven 07 for S.O.S. 13.

Traded flag Witch 05 for Mako 01.

Traded moonherb Rubber 18 for Cynical 17.

Traded piraskel Beloved 14 for Record 01.

Traded moonka Honest 20 for S.O.S. 11.

Traded monta Zura 03 for Esper 06.

Traded perarduaadast Rebel 20 for Peach 11.

Traded bananayuki Trumpet 05 for Persocom 09.

Traded caitirin Pentagram 20 for Ousaka 07.

Recieved Tattoo 14, Whip 18, and a Yellow Crayon for turning in my 11th Sketchpad.

Recieved Novel 12, Meganes 03, Blastia 17, and Beloved 15 from Beauty Contest.

Recieved Dhamphir 19 and Fullmetal 01 from Pick a Color.

Traded Asobot 16 and recieved Prussia 01 and Fire Truck 08 from Crazy Colors.

Traded Spy 01 and recieved Kid 12 and Dattebayo 12 from Crazy Colors.
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