
Jun 26, 2006 03:46


Ok, this is so that I don't forget what went on, mostly. And for Erin to know that I am having fun and I'm not still shelled up. =)



Met Steven after work, I didn't get off until about 10:30-11pm. Went out to drink and say hello to Rose. I went in to get started while Steven was on his way... Andrew was already in there, on a date. lol

Steven and I left there and met Andrew and his date later on at B&B's, drank some Blackbeards and proceded to start another wonderfully intoxicated night. The bars close at 3 here. Steven and I were at the strip club by 3:30, we met up with some friends, Amanda and Melonie. Then we proceded to have a entirely too much fun! Amanda was funny as hell, she kept shouting "Titties!!" and getting the dancers to dance on her... ;)

I was crawling into bed to die at 7am.



Party night at Wilmington Island. It wasn't big, not by any means. But there were 3 kegs and about 30 people there. lots of fun was had and new people were met all around.

Some time threw the middle of the night someone said something about the pool... I thought nothing of this, I was chillin' in the AC at the time. About half an hour later, i stepped out to see what Steven was up to, and we heard someone talking by the pool, we went to investigate but didn't make it there before naked girls started coming from the area followed by LOTS of fully clothed, soaking wet people. LOL

Soon after the party started falling apart and people started heading home. Someone that I'd met at B&B's invited us to sleep at her place because we'd been drinking. I wasn't drunk, but Andrew thought he was gettin' some. hehe

I knew he wasn't.

Some other guy that was at the party thought he wasn't going to be sleeping alone either. I had a good laugh when all three girls went into the room together.

What I wasn't expecting, however, was for two of them to come strolling out naked a few minutes earlier to get/do something and Laura giving me a kiss goodnight...

I thanked Laura for her kindness, then I let her know that I wasn't drunk and I was going to drive the guys home. Then I proceeded to drive Steven, Andrew and myself to the strip club. HA!

Unfortunately, they stopped serving alcohol at midnight for some reason last night. So we left. Drove Steven back to his car then I drove Andrew's drunk ass home. I love his car. I think I want a Scion Tc now. =D

Once again, crawling into a sleepy place at 7am.


The temptation was there to go out tonight as well. But I didn't. So here I sit, before going to sleep.

Goodnight all you freaks out there.

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