February 17th 2004

Feb 16, 2020 20:12

[protected post] (no subject) @ 04:09 am

Hmmm for all you, in the know, you should be in the know.

I took a few people's suggestions about finally IM'ing Alf and he was like "Which Jenn" and im like "uhh 80s night Jenn" and he is like "cool" and we started talking. Seems the boy quit his job and now is free to party whenever. He freakishly remembers that I am off Wed and Thurs (Really I do not recall ever saying this to him) and he is now free to party but by appointment only, so one of these days I should schedule alf party time...wtf?

I told him of my hiatus and that I will be back not this Thurs but next, so that is when I will see what happens.

Viva la scheming!

Schemes how I heart thee.


Why did I take any advice on this?!? I was definitely twenty dumb at this point, it happened, I should have enjoyed it for what it was and left well enough alone. Nothing else ever happened with Alf after ths FYI.

For the longest time I was always all upset that I slept with Alf, just cause for the drama that came with it. BOYS TALK FYI...but in hindsight, it was a catalyst that stopped the John Paul thing in its tracks (for the most part!) which was very much needed or I fear that cycle would have never ended. Silver linings I suppose?

Today I SLEPT IN til 9AM and lounged around all morning before deciding I needed to go to the gym, and i did, but my foot really started hurting but I was dumb and stubborn and finished my workout. After that I went to the co op to grab almond milk and greek yogurt, and dinner for us as I really am anti cooking on my days off, which is when I have the time to cook but c'est la vie. I came home and proceeded to just lay around and listen to music, which is an underrated activity! Now i am journaling. It was a pretty nice and chill day. Tomorrow I plan on waking up hopefully earlier, doing all my dumb chores and then just binging "you" I was going to start it today but I just couldnt concentrate at all...Im just so burned out.

And that is that. I dont have much to write about which is nice but also boring.

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