What will Winter Solstice bring in 2012? : The Reality Exchange Program

Feb 26, 2007 03:23

What will Winter Solstice bring in 2012?
...an instant of Karma? ...an ethereal spiral dance of the collective soul? ... cosmic judgment leveled against civilization's expanse? ...destruction of the world as we know it? ...a chance for a new start? ...the rise and the revenge of the Goddess? or simply another day in the life of paranoia?
These are the false prophesies that your pastor warned you about!

Reality Exchange Program

"the South side of time..."

Crazy Bear said there'd be days like this. As usual, no one believed him. Now, all I want to know is: where IS that lifeboat, and how DO I ditch this ship of fools, without any of these bliss ninnies noticing that I'm already gone?

Captain, my ass. We are equal in this sea of madness.

That iceberg is looking awfully big.

Amana Mission is on a quest to save the world, and the only problem is, she can't remember why she got involved with such an obvious scam in the first place. Jesus saves. Christ. What a loser.

Kali kills first, and recycles later.

Hitchhikers, load up for a ride to the Other Side. You may wish you had gone Greyhound.

"What the...?"

  • A cranky band of prankster peace warriors who absolutely cannot resist messing with each other's minds, no matter the cost.

  • Cocky alchemy-dabbling quantum surfers, navigating the Ethersphere with
    hand-held computers, seamlessly switching timelines to find a better party vibe
    and swap tips about the best temporary toilets for use as interdimensional

  • A burnt-out visionary hippie millionaire on a mission from Gaia to build a
    better "communitopia" by underwriting a convoy carrying busloads of telepathic

  • A wheelchair-bound mindpilot propelling a crystal-powered Seed Bank toward
    the post-Apocalyptic Garden, with psychic precision...and a predilection for
    high-velocity extreme driving.

  • Hermaphrodite time-jumper fleeing a fate worse than death.

  • Anarchist ghettoes where anything goes-except escape.

  • Ancient Principals vying like sweatsoaked carpetbaggers for our loyalty as
    the Final Vote is tallied.

  • Long-haired security patrols collecting a cannabis tribute tax from all
    pilgrims to the Valley of Fun.

  • And an underground meat mafia bringing a black magic revival to a
    bloodless dreamworld gone bland.

All brought together by a secret psychedelic superdrug that tunes users in to reality through the eyes of another archetypal avatar inhabiting a different state of space and time. Mahayana made easy. Budding Buddha natures are running amuck on a virtual superhighway where all roads lead to the Bo tree and singularity.

Twenty-first century Tantra is about more than sex, drugs, and rock and roll.

Confronting the Karma of every wasted breath is only the first step.

Welcome to the End Times. Kali awaits. She already knows who you are.

Do you?

The 21st century counterculture is even weirder than it appears on the surface. This is not your mommy’s MTV Road Rules.

Ride along on this mesmerizing, metaphor-packed bus trip toward ecstasy and enlightenment, as three real-time
guides-Amana, Sissy, and Deva, let you in on what they learned when they asked what It was really all about, after all.

Become them for a multilevel metafictional tour of infinity, and awaken yourself to the miracle-a-minute magic of mighty Mother Kali!

Experience the eBook! Free pre-print preview.

Read Now at www.blues4kali.com

counterculture, kali, shanti, solstice, metaphysics, novel, amana, 2012, liteature, deva, books, read, science fiction, goddess, sisyphus, fiction

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