Remedy for Bureaucracy

Apr 30, 2007 23:52

Remedy for Bureaucracy
By Indi Riverflow

The holistic health community is scrambling for autonomy, as pending FDA legislation proposes to regulate the nutritional supplement industry. This wide-sweeping measure likely will not fulfill the fears that alarmists project, but the attempt to hijack yet another basic liberty, under the banner of safety, highlights a trend that appropriates personal choices to medical review.

Smacking of globalism, the Trilateral Commission’s Codex is an ironic reversal of U.S. ideological imperialism: alternative remedies and health products could be redefined as restricted drugs, as part of an attempt to bring Uncle Sam in line with stricter guidelines across either border.

Substances with any physiological effect inside the body might be regarded as a “drug,” completing the absurdity which fails to distinguish between pharmaceutical products and the fruits of nature. Even water could theoretically fall under new strict regulations.

For that matter, why not air? Oxygen is an extremely addictive drug. To witness the tremendous changes air can cause in a body, simply do without it for a few minutes. If we are to believe the very frightened folks organized against adopting the Anti-CAM guidelines, passage could lead to a prescription requirement for vitamins and enzyme therapy. Well, maybe the mainstream will be roused to protest.

Miscategorizing and restricting medicinal herbs is nothing new; enforcing arcane prohibitions against plants, such as cannabis, has made the Murican prison industry the envy of the world’s tyrannies. More recently, the Chinese herb Ma Huang, or ephedra, has fallen prey to the ban-happy FDA’s presumption of power, after over four thousand years’ use as a natural remedy for respiration-related illnesses and learning disabilities.

At work is a profound prejudice against those induced states of mind which have not been specifically authorized by the real drug dealers, who are content to spew out pharmacological tweaks, designed for every condition, from everyday anxiety, to a reduced inability to respond to the prospect of sex.

The medicalization of marijuana has always struck me as a mediocre half-measure for this very reason, despite being an irresistible sop to the decriminalization movement. Not because bringing healing herbs to the ill shouldn’t be a priority, but because equating herbs with synthetic chemicals begs the deeper constitutional, and even theological, questions about government domain, which come about when human beings deign to issue legislation against a plant.

As usual, the real motivation behind this power grab is to promote the pharmaceutical stranglehold on health care dollars. Ultimately, few serious freedoms are threatened if a couple of vitamin companies get elbowed off the shelves. The true risk is that the precedent will be advanced even further to attack freedom of thought.

Regardless of what the Supreme Court has been stacked to say, it ought to be obvious to any eighth grader that the Constitution does not extend dominion over nature to federal agencies.

So for those who stood still for the 1937 Marijuana Tax Act, and the Controlled Substances Act of 1970, and the hysteria-filled removal of ephedra in 2004-they are coming for your Echinacea, your amino acids, your b-complex energy blend. Years of collective complacency are paying off for the corporate oligarchy that will someday own and license the very atmosphere we breathe.

Read On!

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cam, fda, herbs

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