Where has the year gone?!?!?

Nov 08, 2005 16:31

Well it's been Aug, Sep, Oct, now NOV!

Well I'm in college at the Une-a-vers-a-tee and am hoping I will do well enough not to lower my cummulative GPA. My goal was to raise it from a 3.33 to a 3.51 but I would have to have gotten all A's and only 1 A-. and heh, I don't think that is hap-po-ning! I am how-eber, going to get a good solid A in my Psychology of Adjustment!! (on the 1st Test I got the top grade a 92% -da class didn't do too well I guess- so she said she was curving it too, I don't know exactly what that means but if mine's the top of the curve I guess that's still good for me- and on the last Test II I got 90% (I tied with one other person for top grade!) & she decided to throw out 3 questions so I actually got a 96%! Plus I have attended 3 extra credit things so I am quite sure I will get a regular ole' A! (not A-)

Then in my Humanities I class, which is extremely interesting, but my teacher drives me up the wall. He says the most inane things! Like...when talking about the city of Carthage of the late Roman Empire being destroyed by the Vandals, he'll say, "Oh nooo, don't come here, aahhhh! Do pillage us!" But he says it in this dorky Homer Simpson voice! And he said at one time- the slave society would be ideal! I was like um excuse me! And he thinks the Statues from Ain Ghazal that date back to 6500BC found in 1984 near Amman, Jordan, are sculptures of Aliens. http://www.art.man.ac.uk/ARTHIST/ay2091/ainghazal.htm
Anyways I will probably get an A or at least an A- in there.

My Calculus I will be happy with a B or B+ and just maybe an A- if I do very well on the next 2 tests.

And my Intro to Statistical Methods, which I thought would be the easiest because it's the one I was most interested in, turns out to be the hardest. So I will be happy with anything above a C-, (which I'm sure I'll get at least get a C or C-. It doesn't help I slept in (not on purpose) on a day we were to turn in an assignment and he will not accept late homework. But homework accounts for only 7% of the final grade. I got a 88% on the first test and a 76% on the second! Yikes! But I think this next unit is coming clearer to me than the second, So I hope to get a B on the next two tests.

So I've figured out that I assumed it would be the most interesting I would automatically spend more time on it than I normally would, but I seem to think oh Stats, yah I'll get to that. Like tonight I have to get done an assingment that's do friday so I can ask question tommorrow in class on what I'm not getting. I usually don't leave time for things like that and haven't been able to have questions I have answereed.

Sooo anyways, that's been my life I guess and one reason I haven't posted in soooo longgg! School, School, School! And it will be my life for the next several years, now that I'm finally back in it.

I'll be glad to get a few days off around Thanxgivin'

So this new MyLJ thing is really neat. It's like a control panel for everything! Hopefully I 'll be able to write more often.

Well, Talks to ya alls later... I hate stupid Japanese Beatles!!!!!
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