Hellooooo, flist! *waves* Let it be known that technology hates me. My computer just crashed a week back, and I tried software after bootable software but to no avail. But that's no surprise, since Bangladesh is the land of pirated software/programs/CD/DVDs. Pride's always been a huge issue with me, but for the sake of my sanity, I finally, finally
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Uh, let's move onto the next two mangas:
A burning Uchiha fan on his chest surrounded by miniscule leaf insignias on all sides.
It's a constant reminder of the sin he had been forced to commit. It symbolizes that he's burnt all family ties except for one for the sake of his village. On his first Akatsuki mission, he gets it in a tattoo parlor in a local village, leaving an asleep, unsuspecting Kisame, back at the hotel they've stopped in for the night. Years later, when he's sitting imperiously in a stone throne before what will be the last fight of his life, Sasuke runs his sword through the exact same spot on Itachi's chest.
A tattoo that says 'I love Sai' in flowing, cursive script on his ass with small hearts.
"Drinks on me!" Sakura hollers loudly, already half-drunk - apparently medical jutsu and superhuman strength aren't the only things she's inherited from her Shishou.
The team seven reunion proceeds smoothly and several rounds of alcohol later, Sasuke finds himself actually laughing at Naruto's incohorent jokes and also very receptive to the idea of getting a tattoo. He finally agrees with a drunken 'Hn' when Sai, clueless fool that he is, says, "Ah, Sasuke-kun, I've -hic!- read somewhere that tat-hic!-tooing a person's name on your body promotes -hic!- healthy relationships.-hic!-"
Next morning Sasuke wakes up with a pounding migraine and a hurting ass and resolves to kill The Replacement.
A single, special edition tattoo of the Icha Icha movie license on his left arm.
After years of getting lost on the road of life, Team 7 members are now porn stars. The tattoo symbolizes that Kakashi owns the right to all Icha Icha movies that are starred by his own students. As fate would have it, after retiring from shinobi life, Kakashi wins the rights to the tattoo, and therefore to all Icha Icha productions, via lottery. He snatches the chance to employ his creative genius and decides to follow his OWN dream now that Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura have all achieved theirs.
Oh and because, "...I can't believe you're trying to 'reclaim your youth'," Sasuke says incredulously and shudders when he remembers a certain paedophile attempting to do the same a decade back.
[["Thatke-kun! Ithn'th ith athathing?" Orochimaru had slobbered enthusiastically with his tongue hanging out and displaying the metal piercing on the center.
A scarred, horrified Sasuke had slammed the door in his face and proceeded to have nightmares for the rest of his life.]]
"Come now, Sasuke," Kakashi says, deeply offended. "It is not a matter of, uh, 'reclaiming my youth'." He ignores the muttered 'You're /forty/,' and proceeds to emotional blackmail. "You, of all people, should know how important it is for someone to achieve their life's ultimate goal."
'Not when that goal happens to be directing porn,' Sasuke thought with distaste. Little did he know that he'd be starring in Kakashi's first movie -Icha Icha Threesome - when Kakashi makes him an offer he simply couldn't refuse. XD *hint, hint*
A small diamond-shaped tattoo on the centre of her forehead that matches the colour of her eyes.
It's a seal for the Creation Rebirth Jutsu - very similar to Tsunade's. Tsunade bestows the jutsu on her apprentice the day she finally surpasses her and becomes one of the Legendary Sannin of the next generation, along with Naruto and Sasuke. Later, Sakura, with the aid of her medical genius, goes on to improve it by combining it with Chiyo's life transfer jutsu, merging the powers of two bitter rivals from the last generation.
Phew! I didn't know what got into me to type up all those paragraphs about tattoos of all things - but please note that I'm very delirious at this moment from a fever. *sigh*
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