List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
→ Tag seven people to do the same.
→ Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it."
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Seven of my habits/quirks/facts:
1. I have an unhealthy obsession with music, and am always bugging others for recs.
2. I cannot, for the life of me, writer good humour if I set out with the purpose to write good humour - it always turns into slabs of dark, dreary paragraphs about murder and gore. On the other hand, when I DO somehow manage to write humour, it's always, ALWAYS unintentional.
3. I cannot sleep if I don't have a warm, comfy blanket with me, even in the summer.
4. Just staring at my Physics textbook makes me sleepy like nothing else - it puts me out like a light after 3 seconds! Seriously!
5. I cannot decide between SasuSaku, SasuNaru and NaruSaku so I just said 'To hell with it! They all need each other!' and started shipping Team 7 OT3.
6. I hate Pure Maths but once I start practising the problems, I just cannot stop!!
7. I'm not the most dishonest person in the world, but when I get into a fix (usually with my teachers), I can instantly come up with a hundred excuses that are so frighteningly convenient that I surprise myself!
Okay, so that's it! I consider the last one a gift that I shall forever be grateful for! I mean, it does get me out of trouble! XD
I tag:
alternatejessorangefoxfetishhungrytiger11digthenym i_ate_your_cakeomizugonrie