Title: Milestones
Summary: Sakura is two-and-twenty and still doesn't know who Sasuke is. But she can still try.
Disclaimer: Disclaimed.
Theme: Post-canon
Prompt: Warmth
Medium: Fanficiton
Genre: General/Friendship
Rating: K+
Warning(s): Present tense? Sasuke's pale wrists?
Comments: Late submission is extremely late. This is the shortest thing I'
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I'm doing birthday last - super late. XD You?
Also, I just realized that SSM is over already and I defaulted for the 5th-ish week. :( Worse, I haven't read your birthday fic yet. @_@ Link me? I'm a bit... lost, wading through SO MUCH AMAZING on the comm. ^__^;;
GASP. You want to read my fic? I...I LOVE YOU. ♥
Are you still doing the prompt, anyway? As late? *begging, irresistible puppy eyes*
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