I haven’t been on LJ for a month due to personal reasons, but during that time, I’ve been reading. Books, physics guides, doujin, medical texts, wiki pages on Japanese cultures, and fanfiction.
Especially fanfiction.
Fandom, why so complicated? D: )
allurement's Smear it Splendid is amazing - anything by her usually is♥
I've read The Curse by Len83 as well - to be honest, I've been reading this author since... I don't even know how long. Since she was writing in the Inuyasha fandom - I found The Lord and the Leader to be very well-done, even if the length did get a bit tedious at times. It was quite the pleasant surprise when she started venturing into the Naruto fandom :D
I remember skimming through Isekai and not being impressed with at all - the AU elements are nice, but I found both Sasuke and Sakura two-dimensional, and the OCs simply felt like plot devices. (But maybe that's just my dislike for OCs talking It takes a lot to get me to like an OC). There wasn't anything wrong with the writing to be honest - it... was just below my extremely picky standards.
Lol, I suppose given how fandom has been lately, I've gotten very picky not only about SasuNaru - but about SasuSaku, too. I just can't seem to find a fic that'll leave me all dazzled ad speechless. :'(
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