How you can help to IMPEACH Bush

Feb 28, 2006 14:52

Dear Friend,

We know George Bush has lied to us, spied on us, broken the law and sent Americans to fight an illegal war. The time for just debate and protest is over. We need real action to save our country and our Constitution - Congress must consider the impeachment of George W. Bush. Copy and paste this link into your browser:

We outline the legal case for impeaching Bush in an important new book, Articles of Impeachment Again George W. Bush, published by Melville House this week. We want to share special information about the book with our supporters.

Legal experts from the Center for Constitutional Rights propose four articles of impeachment in the book, explaining the case clearly and precisely. This is essential reading for all Americans. The book is part of our campaign to demand Congress show the President he is not above the law - please join us in urging Congress consider impeachment today.

Why now? The President’s illegal domestic spying program has been exposed - CCR is currently fighting it in federal court - and a majority of Americans now say Bush lied about the war in Iraq and it is a mistake. A growing number of U.S. Representatives now support a resolution to investigate impeachment. Take a moment to act today and encourage even more representatives to join the fight.

Together, we can beat back Bush’s illegal actions through Congress and the courts.

Thank you for taking the time to act today, and please forward this email to your friends so we can spread the word.


Bill Goodman

Center for Constitutional Rights Legal Director


CCR President Michael Ratner is speaking at public forum on impeachment presented by Harper’s Magazine this Thursday, March 2nd at 8pm at Town Hall, 123 West 43rd St. The panel includes Rep. John Conyers, Lewis H. Lapham, Elisabeth Holtzman and John Dean. Tickets are available for $10 by calling Ticketmaster at (212) 307-4100.
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