Dinner, Poker, Flav, and Sue

Jan 23, 2006 04:45

Today has been a good day. I've been eating all day, I mean all. Frank is at UM and I'm missing him but I had a great time with Tiff. We had a good dinner and watched our ritual trash shows. Flavor Flav! He got told off! Wowee! That New York bitch has got to go, though. Yup. But it was great fun. Now I'm watching good ol' Talk Sex with Sue. This is one of the reasons for my post. So this girl called, and went thus:

Girl: Is it true that you can have sex while wearing a tampon?
Sue: (quizical look and trying not to laugh) Ummm....no, honey. You don't want to be doing that. Where did you hear that from?
Girl: Well, one of my friends said that you could.
Sue: (basically she said inbetween the lines that the girl was nuts)

I agree. Sorry about the graphic post, but damn! A tampon and a you-know-what???? Damn! Stark raving mad.

I can't wait til my honey gets home! Good luck Frank! Work tomorrow, the routine again. The break was nice. Hope it's not raining. Have a good night and a good day tomorrow everyone! (Sorry about the no music Mary!)
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