30 Day Music Meme - Day 14

Apr 06, 2011 15:35

Day 14. A song/artist that reminds you of someone

I'm a very visual person and I usually use music for character identification in my writing and everything - but to really answer the question, I would have to go with Pearl Jam. My friend Emily was always the sort of indie music protester sort when we were growing up and every time I hear any Pearl Jam music, I always think of her since she thought they were doing some good with trying to make messages with their music.

I only have the Yield album myself - mainly for the following songs. I loved Do The Evolution since it's completely animated and disturbing as shit, which makes you kind of question what the hell is going on in the world. That and I never forget the dance scene/solo with Death in this vid.

Do The Evolution:

image Click to view

Brain of J:

image Click to view

Good stuff though - controversial music was always interesting to listen to and think about.

Day 1. A song/artist you're currently hooked on
Day 2. A song/artist that never fails to make you dance
Day 3. A song/artist that never fails to cheer you up
Day 4. A song/artist that never fails to make you cry
Day 5. A song/artist you turn to when you're really angry
Day 6. A song/artist you sing along to at the top of your lungs
Day 7. A song/artist that invariably sparks your creativity
Day 8. A song/artist from your childhood
Day 9. A song/artist you wish more people knew about
Day 10. A song/artist that you used to dislike, but now like
Day 11. A song/artist that you used to like, but now dislike
Day 12. A song/artist no one would expect you to enjoy
Day 13. A song/artist you don't want anyone to know you enjoy
Day 14. A song/artist that reminds you of someone
Day 15. A song/artist that matches in your mind with a completely unrelated memory or activity
Day 16. An album/artist you were looking forward to and were really disappointed by
Day 17. A song/artist you were sure you'd hate but wound up loving
Day 18. A song/artist you just cannot stand
Day 19. A song/artist you can put on endless repeat and not get tired of listening to
Day 20. A song/artist that touched you deeply
Day 21. An artist you would love to go see in concert
Day 22. An artist who's music you enjoy but dislike personally.
Day 23. The first artist on your 'desert island' list
Day 24. The second artist on your 'desert island' list
Day 25. The third artist on your 'desert island' list
Day 26. Your favourite song over all
Day 27. Your favourite music genre
Day 28. Your favourite video game soundtrack
Day 29. Your favourite movie soundtrack
Day 30. Your favourite artist over all
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