Mar 01, 2012 16:59
I found the combination of muted exasperation and indignance in this SomethingAwful post subtly hilarious considering the subject:
Can anyone explain to me why there's a small dog showing up in my battles on FF6?! I'm playing as Sabin now and picked up Shadow, and every time I get into a random battle this small dog shows up and bites the enemy or myself. What the hell is its deal?!
ETA: Bonus from this same person:
I just started FF6 a hour ago, and none of my friends have played this so I have to come here to complain. The whole time I've been hearing about Kefka is that he's some horribly twisted psychopath bent on world domination/destruction, but, from what I've seen of him in the last hour, he's just some loon who cracks the worst jokes ever. ...Basically I went into it hoping for Heath Ledgers Joker and instead got Jack Nicholson's Joker.
This person needs to do a Let's Play.
why am i talking about final fantasy vi