Mystic Ark overtime

Jun 22, 2012 21:14

There is a Mystic Ark manga.

Correction: there are three book-length Mystic Ark manga. That's right; we're dealing with true literature here. "Kokuhaku Suru Kioku" and its middling ~100 pages? Tuh. That's ain't enough to contain Mystic Ark, toots.

The only page I can find with substantial info on it is here, and here's the report:

The plot supposedly follows Remeer, who's searching for his twin sister who's gone missing. If you've played the game, you're probably disappointed already; all Remeers being equal and unrelated, Ark's sweet-but-sorta-practical female white knight would've been a better choice of character design for the lead. Also, if you think you know where this version of the plot is headed from that premise, you're despairingly right.

The other Figurined PCs appear, but mostly as supporting characters, not as allies. Frequently, their role in the proceedings is significantly changed; ogre Kamiwoo, for example, is apparently a man-eater in the literal sense, and hookah-smoking witch Miriene is an outright villain who falls in love with ninja Tokio before biting it. Lux apparently dies protecting Meisia in some unspecified way. Only the Chinese-inspired wrestler Reeshine travels with Remeer, as a sort of love interest - which is a refreshingly atypical choice, given her role as a physical, hand-to-hand fighter.

The author of the blog post sort of suggests that the shrine plot has been jettisoned. World 6, too - boo.

Anyhow, despite my copious complaining about the game, the books are winging their way to me now, so further details will be forthcoming...

the 7th saga and other unrelated games

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