Writer's Block: Back to the future

Apr 11, 2010 15:10

I am weirded out by the fact I am...in bed at 9:45am...have no dude whom I would get sick of within a week, but carrying conversation with an ex-heroin addict who's going to jail for 2 years. I knooow how to pick em. I'm starting a position today and I don't know how I'll like it. I need a new job. badddly.

i got invited by my roommate to go to a a cocktail party with business professionals in the journalism circuit in Chicago. I took a nap and woke up around time to leave, and i felt like daggers were fucking me. I love my life. I took a few ibuprophen i don't remember how many plus midol and i feel kinda pukey but that's about the only thing i feel right now so that's okay. I really needed to go to an event like this too. fml. I trust there will be many over the warm summer months. Or spring, cuz ben's leaving in summer. fuck. everything will happen in time. i'm shakey feeling.

my hair is getting pretty long. hurrah.

writer's block

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