Dec 01, 2007 23:05
I am so up and down it scares me. it scares me.
and its december. . .where is my life going? its december of my junior year in college. . .am I even close to where I thought I'd be. My friends are slipping through my hands along with my chances of having a functional relationship, both of which I just dont have the time for. isnt that awful not having time for your friends. I go through my weeks just wanting to get through them. . .I look forward to sleep and thats about it. I dont have that thing that makes me stop and stay awhile and enjoy. I used to think I could pinpoint what that thing was, but I think I was wrong. Or at least it doesnt suit me now. whatever it was or is, theres a factor x that so many people who are close to me seem to be missing. what are we really looking for I wonder. and where the hell is my faith. its so silly when you know thats what can save you, but you just feel so utterly dejected you just cant go there. I just cant go there.
I would give up everything for you.
I wonder if he just likes the way that sounds. or maybe I dont really listen.
I suppose kisses are the most pleasant form of accident.