A meme for the new year!!

Jan 01, 2007 07:38

Last night I fell asleep at 5(pm) and woke up at 2(am), so no New Year's party for Indi (damn jetlag). Well, it's 2007 now, and I'm in the class of 2007. Better grow up. But first, a meme I found on this cool artist's DA journal!

List 12 of your original characters (don't look at the questions until this is filled in!!!):

01. Inyxia (Kingdom Hearts: Fate of the Nobodies)
02. Hisaki (Naruto: Raising the Fighting Spirit)
03. Elle (BR: T4)
04. Willo (Naruto: Raising the Fighting Spirit)
05. Kohaku (BR: T4)
06. Kamome (BR: T4)
07. Brianna (Kingdom Hearts: Fate of the Nobodies)
08. Aiiro (BR: RP)
09. LiS (Kingdom Hearts: Fate of the Nobodies)
10. Takeru (BR: RP)
11. Indi (BRRP the Fandom)
12. Clyteia (Original Fiction)

1) Who would make a better college professor, 6 (Kamome) or 11 (Indi)? What subjects would they teach?

Indi, only because her + anything academic is too canon to be denied. And there's the fact that Kamome would kill people (although Indi might do the same.) Indi would teach medicine, physics, math, or cooking, in order from most to least likely. Kamome would teach music (classical piano) or government studies.

02) Do you think 2 (Hisaki) is hot? How hot?

She's actually pretty plain, while her teamates are all good looking. Poor her ><;

03) 12 (Clyteia) sends 8 (Aiiro) on a mission. What is it, and does it succeed?

Cly would ask Aiiro to snoop in on a meeting of the village elders and tell her what went on in there. Aiiro would get into a fight over something small involving justice, get thrown out, and fail miserably.

04) What is or would be 9 (LiS)'s favorite book?

Probably some epic fantasy or summat.

05) Would it make more sense for 1 (Inyxia) to swear fealty to 6 (Kamome), or the other way around?

The other way around. Kamome knows that promises are useless and can be broken, and Inyxia would be all "What does fealty mean? Ah forget it, I need to go do stuff." *walks out*

06) For some reason, 5 (Kohaku) is looking for a roommate. Should s/he share a studio apartment with 9 (LiS) or with 10 (Takeru)?

LiS, since he's all cheery and nonconfrontational. Takeru would be mean to the short little emo boy.

07) 2 (Hisaki), 7 (Brianna) and 12 (Clyteia) have dinner together. Where do they go, and what do they discuss?

Clyteia would insist they go somewhere with historical significance. Brianna would tease Hisaki for not eating meat, Hisaki would ignore her, then snap and get in a fight. Clyteia would watch them, rather amused (especially since Brianna's around 40 years old ^^;). I have no idea who would win that fight though.

08) 3 (Elle) challenges 10 (Takeru) to a duel. What happens?

That's actually pretty canon. Takeru would agree, since he's never one to pass up the opportunity to beat up some one he doesn't consider "normal." Elle would probably whup him though, since she takes kendo and he doesn't have any real fighting training.

09) If 1 (Inyxia) stole 8 (Aiiro)'s most precious possession, how would s/he get it back?

Aiiro would run after her, screaming about justice, and demand it back. Inyxia would go "I'm very sorry ma'am, but I need it.." Aiiro would have none of that and try to beat up Inyxia for it. I think Inyxia would win that fight, considering she has powers and isn't really a normal human.

10) Suggest a title for a story in which 7 (Brianna) and 12 (Clyteia) both attain what they most desire.

Something with "brother" in it, since Brianna wants her brother back (or to be fully dead) and Clyteia wants to prove she can do anything her brother can. Might as well throw Kohaku in that mix.

11) What kind of plot device would you use if you wanted 4 (Willo) and 1 (Inyxia) to work together?

They find out there's a scroll explaining all types of water magic and its effect on the user. Both of them would want it, so they team up to find it.

12) If 7 (Brianna) visited you for the weekend, how would you get along?

Pretty well. She'd spend the weekend teaching me weapon techniques, since she loves to see how different people handle weapons.

13) If you could command 3 (Elle) to perform any one task or service for you, what would it be?

Gah, it just had to be one of the normal humans of the group for this one. I'd ask her how she wants to be written, since she's being evil like that.

14) If 2 (Hisaki) had to choose sides between 4 (Willo) and 5 (Kohaku), which would it be?

I don't see how Willo and Kohaku would be at odds, but she'd choose Willo since the two of them are already on good terms.

15) What might 10 (Takeru) shout while charging into battle?

"Die you freak! And I'm straight, dammit!"

16) If you chose a song to represent 3 (Elle), which song would you choose?

"The Phrase That Pays" by The Acaemy Is...

17) 1 (Inyxia), 6 (Kamome), and 12 (Clyteia) are having dim sum at a Chinese restaurant. There is only one scallion pancake left, and they all reach for it at the same time. Who gets to eat it?

Clyteia. Inyxia and Kamome are rational enough to know that one scallion pancake doesn't matter much in the big scheme of things. Clyteia on the other hand...

18) What might be a good pick-up line for 4 (Willo) to use on 2 (Hisaki)?

Wow, at least I got two that are in the same fandom for this one. I can't see Willo using a pick up line on Hisaki unless she thought she was a guy from behind or something, but that's doubtful. Even Willo trying to pick some one up would be doubtful.

19) What would 5 (Kohaku) most likely be arrested for?

Wow. Out of the ENTIRE list, he's the only one I can't see getting arrested for anything, even in HIS society. If he was, it would be a case of mistaken identity.

20) What is 8 (Aiiro)'s secret?

She secretly likes hurting people, even though she acts like she does it all with pure motives.

21) If 10 (Takeru) and 9 (LiS) were racing to a destination, who would get there first?

LiS. Takeru's on the track team but he's just a normal guy, and LiS is far from normal.

22) If you had to walk home through a bad neighborhood late at night, would you feel safer in the company of 7 (Brianna) or 12 (Clyteia)?

Brianna. They both kick ass, but Brianna actually looks threatening while Clyteia doesn't.
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