well it was a great weekend. most of it was pretty laid back. kates best frined came in town so we all just hung out for the weekend. saturday was a freaking blast we went to james and samanthas duel b-day bash. got to see some old friends that i hadent seen in years. lots of beer and bbq. here is the link
http://photobucket.com/albums/y69/IndigoRage79/ . also i know a few people went to freakfest and at first i was all about it but when it got closer i just didnt really want to go. i love the smaller settings so im back to square one i guess about my feeling on large parties. well other than that not to much going on here . i did quit my other job on monday so now im back to only 1 job for the time being. hopefully that will keep me from getting so pissy all of the time due to no sleep or no life. well hope everyone is doing great in there lives hopefully mine will be alittle less hectic for awhile.
peace out hommies