Mar 21, 2005 14:57
wow this was a weird weekend as always. i had all intentions of going out friday night to imagination 2 to have a fuckin blast. well it so didnt turn out that way, for starters i just wasent feelin it. once i got out there it was cool ran into the usual people met a few more new people which is always a fun time. but all in all i just wasent feelin the vibe so i wasent havin the best time it almost reminded me of a few years ago when i backed out of the scene i guess u would say. i lovethe music and al the people but i think its time for me to take a break again for awhile and get my shit back in order. not like its all in disaray or anything but there are things that i need to do and things i need to spend my money on other than going out. i know that i dont go out very often now but there are much better things that i can be spending my money on. i did have fun while i was there but all in all i wasent the best time i mean hey they cant all be great. ill have pictures up in a few days some how i took like 20+ pics. well just have to see what they all are haha. well i hope everyone had a fun weekend. im out